My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 11th, 2024 – Day Reading – Endless Cycles

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Welcome to my Story as I embark on a Year’s Journey logging my Daily Tarot.

Today is the Sixth Day, January 11th, 2024. I am logging my Day Tarot Reading in my Daily tracker. – I encourage you to try for yourself. 

I may skip some days, Nights or both, especially if I need just a day off or I am catching up on other work. However, I plan to be as consistent and as Daily as possible. 

Please Like, Comment, and Share with anyone you feel would be interested in helping me stay accountable and support my New Muse. 

There will be affiliate links to various psychics and my websites. I am working to make Blogging one of my Income Generators; your support can help make that happen! 

Make sure to also read the Yesterday’s Day Reading , as it is part of the Story 😊

For the whole month of January, I will use the Soul Tarot Deck to become acquainted with the cards’ theme and Story; every month, I will change decks to switch energies. 

You can purchase this Deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission. 

Symbolic Soul Tarot

The Card of the Day

Hermit in Reverse

The Hermit in Reverse from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

I wouldn’t say I like this day’s card, but okay. – I will tell you why.

Given that this is my Tarot Card of the Year (See Post), it doesn’t surprise me that I will often flow between the Upside and Reverse positions of this card to embrace its energy throughout 2024 truly.

Like everything in this world, we cannot be exterior without being interior, cannot be good without being bad, cannot have light without darkness, or understand the Moon without the Sun.

The Hermit is the Truth Seeker. He traverses a dark terrain in his sanctuary to manifest peace, enlightenment and calm. He is the “old man” who has uncovered the light within and, as a result, emerges as a being with great wisdom. 

However, upright, the Hermit still appears in life and is grounded in his reality.

However, the Reverse position of this energy, as it feels for me today, can indicate paranoia, isolation and being antisocial. – It doesn’t sound too great now, does it?

On the contrary, This reverse position of the Hermit can often mean going deep inside the darkness of one’s void or womb to gain inner guidance and discover a deeper meaning. – Essentially, it is shadow work, which I focus quite a bit on myself, to help my clients through spiritual life coaching and journey. 

>>You can order a Shadow Self Tarot Reading with me to get that engine moving towards the deepest parts of you. 
A picture of me promoting the Devil Tarot Arcana representing our shadow Self
A Tarot Reading focusing on Shadow Work

What Can I Learn Today?

The Lovers in Reverse and Temperance

Initially, I pulled Three Cards: The Hierophant, King of Cups and Wheel of Fortune in Reverse. – I couldn’t handle it; I had too much energy to process, so I pulled cards again, and The Lovers in Reverse and Temperance to Clarify came out. The exact meaning…-_-

The Hierophant and King of Cups Story

The Hierophant and the King of Cups and Wheel of Fortune from the Symbolic Soul tarot

The Story of the Hierophant and King of Cups with the Wheel of Fortune in Reverse: Let’s check in quickly on this original pull, so I’m not denying the story. Sometimes, we make commitments based on our spiritual values and beliefs that become so rigid and structured in our mindset and personal lives that we do ourselves a disservice (Wheel of Fortune in Reverse). The King of Cups indicates an emotional attachment to this Religious or Spiritual Belief (Hierophant).  

For Example, a Woman and a Man marry under God in a Catholic Church. In the Catholic Religion, you must stay married and make the marriage work no matter what goes on. – This solid, old, ancient belief stems from several generations and was experienced in my upbringing as a catholic. 

However, from my experience watching my parents, that doesn’t work. There is no way that God wants you to be unhappy in a marriage that is not growing, that both people are not working to make things be fruitful between them, and that also includes both people working on themselves to grow together. What happens when there is abuse in the marriage? You should stay because you got married under God? – I think not. 

The Concept of serving God is first serving yourself. God is you; you are the divine’s reflection. If you don’t Love yourself and cannot make yourself happy, you cannot possibly have a joyous Marriage. So staying in a situation where your partner is Not Happy and makes no effort to do so, does not love themselves, and may be abusive to themselves and others is not healthy. Thus, staying regardless in an unhappy marriage is a belief, a rule, an attachment to the Ego, creating suffering, shame, resentment and guilt, all of the emotions in which Spirit does not thrive.

The Lovers in Reverse and Temperance

The Lovers and Temperance from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

So when I got frustrated, I pulled these cards, even though I could not escape sharing this story above. 

So I mentioned the story of the Lovers in a recent *Daily Tracker post*, where I tell the story about two people that the Divine brings together from different walks of life to love each other unconditionally by loving themselves and seeing each other as a mirror from that person’s Lens.

In Reverse, The Lover indicates that you are searching for that union between the Masculine and Feminine within. Instead of experiencing this incredible soulmate connection outside of you, you search for your other half, with which you work in harmony inside. 

With the Temperance that indicates healing and blending two emotional cups together that share different wounds, experiences, pains, joys, losses, and gains, The Lesson becomes like this. Find God, find the Divine within, heal all the pain, Ego and fear inside yourself, and Love yourself completely to the point where your ideal Lover materializes before you, as you have already met them within.

So that’s the Lesson today, Lol.🙏😅 

I may want to do this.

The Tower and The Moon on its Side

The Tower and The moon from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Destroy a Fear-based Belief.

I can see that. 

The Tower is a sudden upheaval and chaos; the God of thunder has come to destroy what the creator has built. It’s not the structure or the building that was created that is the problem; it is the attachment to it. At times, our attachments grow too fast, and the Ego begins to thrive, and we forget why we started this creation inspired by the Spirit in the first place. 

With the Moon card, in this case, the Tower is looking to destroy fear, illusion, or uncertainty that the Moon highlights with the shadows of our unconscious. Perhaps the Heavens have had enough, and my Spirit feels it is time to liberate myself from an unconscious fear that governs my life and takes hold of my uncertainties, creating unnecessary anxiety about the future and what is to come. 

How Liberating. 🙄😁

>>Do you need help releasing a Fear based Belief? Connect with me through Purple Garden; Username Rozzebud, to shine light through the Darkness.

What should I focus on?

Page of Cups and Four of Cups

Dating myself. hahaha🤣

With the Independent and Self Reliant Nine of Pentacles underlying this energy, I can see how I may take myself out today (Page of Cups). It is snowing here in the city. However, there is a New Moon in Capricorn today, and I feel this massive urge to take a break from staying in and going witch-hunting for my Spell and Ritual Ingredients to take me out of Emotional Discontent and Boredom (Four of Cups). 

I will share my Spell and experience in a later post. I also plan to create a New Moon in Capricorn Tarot Spread to enhance this beautiful new beginning that the Moon brings us in this hardworking, determined and stable energy. 

How can I serve others best?

Seven of Pentacles and The Sword and Rose

The Seven of Pentacles landed on The Sword and Rose card from the Island Time Wellness Love Oracle Cards on my Desk.

The Seven of Pentacles talks about someone who has worked hard to build a foundation that has yet to bloom to its fullest potential. As you can see, the person standing is taking a short break to look at their creation, admire it, and make an assessment. 

She is determined to make this foundation come to life. However, she understands that making something unique requires more than just determination, action and drudgery. Your final result and work will be hollow and lifeless if you do not take the time to dance with your daydreams and reveries into the Process. 

With the Sword of Rose, I can understand why my higher self and spirit guides would like me to find solidarity and seek time away from the project to protect it and give it the necessary power to bloom. 

Nonetheless, it’s hard for me as I have a certain mindset that I have to keep putting in the work to see results. Since I am still determining where I want to be and making my daily earnings goal, I get frustrated when the market slows down and fewer clients come through, and I keep putting in the time to earn what I need. – It is frustrating.

However, These moments always make me step back and count my blessings. I am constantly reminded that I have grown, I am given everything I need: clothes on my back, water to drink, food on my table, a roof over my head, and most importantly – Great health. In addition to the Love that I have had in my life and the Love that continues to come in and surprise me, it helps in allowing this pause to do a Ritual Spell to be part of the Process that makes all of what I do fulfilling, worth it, and Soulful. 

>>Do you need a wake up call? A Psychic on Mystic Sense can set you straight and help you keep a Positive Mindset to help you manifest exactly what you want.

I may want to avoid this.

Knight of Cups

Seven of Swords and Knight of Cups from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Interesting, with the Seven of Swords being the Underlying energy. 

I might need to avoid a narcissist, manipulator or outside influence that promises me some sort of beautiful outcome or future but then lies, deceives and gaslights, distorting my reality from the truth. 

It can also be me, self-sabotaging. Over-fantasizing and romanticizing possibilities can become a downright illusion. I might run away from the lights and keep things to myself, which should be held accountable or brought into the light. 

I can understand my Spirit wants me to take a step back and be patient as my flowers bloom to life because, at times, we are avoiding something that could hurt us, and in this case, I may be guided towards Protection. 

Island Time Wellness Love Oracle

>> Book a Tarot Reading if you desire daily insight to help you be more aware and mindful of your choices. 

3 responses to “My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 11th, 2024 – Day Reading – Endless Cycles”

  1. Turning Artists into Technologists – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] of unconscious behaviour and a matrix civilized system in place, keeping them on that Wheel of Endless Cycles. (See […]


  2. Full Moon in Leo Tarot Spread – January 25th to 26th – Do What Makes you Happy. – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] Full Moon is about completion. A completion of endless cycles, seasons, patterns, outdated thinking, habits and lessons. Leo is about being front row centre, in […]


  3. A Magical Intention to Promote Growth – My February Tarot Reading 2024 – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] lives go through endless cycles, seasons, ups and downs, shadow and light. This Lion King view is a natural result of life, we […]


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