New Moon in Capricorn Tarot Spread – January 11th 2024 – Grounding the Fire that bursts out in Thin Air.

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Yesterday, January 11th, we had our New Moon In Capricorn, which had me reflecting, resting and performing rituals that reflected what I wanted to create for myself during this next Moon Cycle. 

Capricorn is a Feminine, Earth zodiac sign that takes the lead and initiates their desires by utilizing their resources and material wealth. They are reserved, prudent, and patient and use strategy instead of force. They seek security, are determined and disciplined, and often act quick to seize an opportunity. 

They Govern reputation, career, and standing in the community. They have beautiful bone structures and must care for their joints, knees and bones to feel stable and secure in their Body, home and environment. 

The New Moon serves as an opportunity to follow our feelings and intuitive emotions to start something new and listen to our cycles of the divine feminine as we feel through the tides and moon changes to decide whether this new emotional beginning is the right path for us to reach the Full Moon to completion.

I invite you to try out this New Moon in Capricorn Tarot Spread, which I created to manifest financial stability, more incredible wealth, health, love and Abundance in my life. 

There will be affiliate links to various psychics and my websites. I am working to make Blogging one of my Income Generators; your support can help make that happen! 

For this New Moon I used the Every Day Witch Tarot. You can purchase this Deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission. 

Every Day Witch Tarot

Current Energy Entering the New Moon in Capricorn

Knight of Wands, Wheel of Fortune and Page of Wands

Page of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, Page of Wands from the Everyday Witch Tarot

This spread has so much fire, which explains why I feel so restless. 

With the Wheel of Fortune handing me my chance of destiny, it is like I am being pulled in two different directions and leaving it to fate to see what positive blessings or unexpected miracles come my way. 

The Wheel of Fortune is the secret to the right timing. It is known as the Wheel of Life and governs the laws of change, seasons, circular patterns, and endless cycles. 

By being aware of the changes, we can understand when to move toward our Dharma (Good Created Karma) in a particular situation.

With the Knight of Wands and Page of Wands, it is clear that my instincts and inspiration stem from my Soul will guide me towards taking action with full-on passion, visionary clarity and no hesitation (Knight of Wands) to follow my Body where it pulls me to go. 

As for the Page of Wands, it is clear that my restlessness is aware of this new unexplored path that I am embarking on; still a student, but following this need for discovery and passionate independence guided by the kitty cat, embarking on a new journey that will surely be spontaneous. 

“No call alligator long mouth till you pass him.”

– (Jamaican Proverb)

It’s a question of Flow; however, with the Wheel, we can expect unexpected opportunities to surface as I enter this New Moon Phase.

What habits do I need to Release and Make space for new ones?

Four of Cups and Knight of Cups

A tricky question to get through, as I was shown several different things. I originally had the Page of Cups in reverse fall out and the Knight of Swords facing the Four of Cups. 

Knight of swords and Four of Cups from the Everyday Witch Tarot

However, all I could see with that energy was Me trying to fix something that was not mine to fix. 

We cannot rush in, justifying what we know to be right or proper, when another person or situation is not in the mind to see, hear, or understand you. 

It was hard for me to look at The Knight of Swords. So, I asked for a new energy to provide me, and here we are with the Four of Cups and Knight of Cups. 

4 of Cups and Knight of Cups from the Everyday Witch Tarot

In the end, this gives me the same meaning, but more compassionately, lol. 🙄 – [This reminds me of a client reading I did yesterday; I will mention it when I write the Night Reading from yesterday. – Stay tuned.]

I have to release romanticizing and fantasizing about a situation (knight of cups) that does not see the love or intention I am trying to provide. As you can see with the Four of Cups, this energy looks at all the empty, unfulfilled vessels and cannot see the new one being offered to him as a blessing. 

In other words, this could also mean letting go of this emotional dissatisfaction in any area of my life that I feel and stopping replaying a potential resolution or ultimate outcome of a situation that is undoubtedly shown to me as not working.

I understand this completely simply because I am indeed a Hopeless Romantic. Not only that, but as a Libra Sun, I often desire to bring things back into balance, see the truth, and also understand both perspectives to reach a middle understanding. However, sometimes, you must let it go and move on.

>> A Psychic a Mystic Sense can help you see what needs to be released during this New Moon! Connect with One today!

What New Habits must I create to embody the stable and grounded energy of Capricorn?

King of Wands

The Sun and King of Wands from the Everyday Witch Tarot

He is the King of Wands, a passionate yet dependable visionary, an entrepreneur in his light, chasing the sun, and simply loving his life and all he does daily. 

I aim to embody this energy; he is at the centre of his self-created Universe. At times, he is self-possessed. However, he is an example of living a life of mastery and effortlessness. He does what makes him happy. However, his happiness is amplified due to each action, choice and thought stemming from a place of passion and inspiration. His lifestyle is self-created; everything he does is natural to him and exactly how he wishes to live. 

As a result, all things are provided in the meantime because his work, the way he loves, his hobbies, his habits, his thoughts, the way he communicates, and his purpose are all integrated as one significant expression of who he is, his brightest light and most vital mindset and being.

This is why I started this blog. Finding that perfect equilibrium of a desired lifestyle while still Flowing and not being forced takes integration, self-reflection, awareness, and, most importantly, the embodiment of what you are trying or being to create.

What fears or Shadow elements do I need to face and let go of within my life?

The World with the Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands and the World from the Everyday Witch Tarot

Believing that it’s me against the world. 

As I was trying to pull energy for this question, I felt my Higher self had me ask it several times to go through a healing process. Tears come down my eyes as I face my shadow and release the pain that I carry or the weight of the world that I have brought on myself. 

I know I am on the right path as a healer and a spiritual guide, facing my own traumas and wounds from my childhood. 

However, even though I have gained much spiritual wisdom, accomplishment and success in a previous cycle or story in my life (The World). I still, at times, find myself in this defence position, overcoming a battle with my passionate, driven shadow kitty cat (Nine of Wands). 

I must let go of this conflict or belief difference and allow what is meant to come in alignment. We cannot expect everyone in this world to understand or see things from our point of view and vice versa. 

But what we can do is try to be a better person and love the best we can as the only intent. 

>>Did you know that my Spiritual Life Coaching Session can help you connect with your shadow and allow it to empower you? – Book a Session with me Today!

What Energy Do I need to embody to attract excellent financial stability?

The Magician

The Magician from the Everyday Witch Tarot

As I unboxed my new Tarot Deck, I was gifted with this quote, which compliments this embodiment of the Magician. 

“You always had the power; you just had to believe it for yourself”

– The Wizard of Oz.

The Magician is the manifesto. He has the skill, the power and the resources to create a new beginning that reflects his desires. The reality of his dreams is up to him to create, as he can see the infinite possibilities in his lab of life. 

He transforms darkness into light, difficulty into ease, chaos into form, and the ideal into the material. He uses the four elements of nature, fire, water, earth and air, to create through inspired communication, skillful means, and, most importantly, intention. As above and so below, he watches his visions come to life due to his willpower or the exercise of will. 

“It is not a fish until it is on the bank”

– (Irish Proverb).

What energy must I embody to attract honest love, wealth and Abundance?


Judgement from the Everyday Witch Tarot

Engaging energy to pull out, especially as I see the Card and the Witch dancing, moving to the beat of her drum, creating music and allowing her shadow kitty Cat to accompany her through her chosen path and destination. 

The Judgement energy speaks about the actualization of deep discrimination and having the ability to complete an assessment or story and give birth to new forms. 

With this energy, we are sounding our own horns and taking a stand. In this case, it shows me that to attract honest love, wealth and Abundance, I must take accountability for my choices, in which I am responsible for creating the outcome and resolution my Soul sees best at the time. 

I must decide what patterns I want to resurrect and what needs to be closed and finalized. It’s the energy of awakening from a deep sleep that was either unconscious or engraved deep in my subconscious without awareness. However, once I fully know my situation, it becomes my responsibility to close it out or transform it. – A wake-up call. 

How can I best serve others during the New Moon?

Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands from the Everyday Witch Tarot

OH my, what a beautiful energy to look at. I love this energy because it is also my expectation of myself for 2024 (See Post). 

I love this girl’s dress and her hair. I see myself like her right now clearly. 😊💖🙄

She is inspired by the tools of Art that have manifested from the flame burning on her pyre. Shocked but also blessed, given all of these tools to work with and create a magical symphony of Art just by being free. 

The Ace of Wands speaks about new beginnings birthed by a creative spirit from the spark of essence and empowerment. It is primal chaos, but spiritual enlightenment is put into action. It is a time of investment, enterprise, strength, activity and initiative. 

Thus, the best way to serve others is to welcome my initial instincts and creative essence. Let my spirit take hold of my Yoni and enable the Male Libido to guide my hand as I birth Art into my life. 🤣❤️‍🔥

>>Are you seeking to find your Passion? As a professional Astrologer, I can help you discover your true desires by referencing your Astrological Birth Chart. Connect with me on Purple Ocean or Purple Garden; Username Rozzebud.

I can learn from this gift from the Universe to support me during this Moon Cycle.

Four of Swords

Four Swords from the Everyday Witch Tarot

Wow – absolutely. Given the time, the support and the blessing to rest and meditate. 

A day of passionate Witching can take a lot of energy out of me, and it requires time to reflect, meditate, pray, rest and sleep. How else can we create space to know that there is complete peace in what our spirit instinctively pushes us towards. 

The Four of Swords speaks about Rest, recuperation, or Renewal after long strain. It doesn’t have to be that dramatic. However, withdrawal and renewal after great passion and artistic expression are most likely needed to avoid going insane. Lol🤨😅 – When I think of Picasso and how he cut his ear off due to insane passion, flying too long in that shadow, I can understand why this energy would be my gift from the Universe. 

It is necessary to meditate and reflect to maintain an open mind and be open to others’ perspectives or possibilities that may not have been considered during the burst of action.

“A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood”

– (Chinese Proverb)

Luckily, I plan to balance my year 2024 with multiple retreats that should be meditative and constructive. 

I encourage you to check it out and reserve your spot on these beautiful retreats spent with me as your guide if you wish 🙂 

>> Reserve your Spot to my Spiritual Retreat in Peru

>> Reserve your Spot to my Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica

>> Do you need some extra spiritual guidance and one to talk with me? – Book a Tarot Reading or Astrology Reading with me today!

Please Like, Comment, and Share with anyone you feel would be interested in helping me stay accountable and support my New Muse. 

One response to “New Moon in Capricorn Tarot Spread – January 11th 2024 – Grounding the Fire that bursts out in Thin Air.”

  1. My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 13th, 2024 – Day Reading – Your Wish is Granted! – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] sure to also read the Yesterday’s New Moon Reading, as it is part of the Story […]


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