Spiritual Healing and Writing Services

I put my whole Heart, Soul and Spirit into my work as my greatest purpose fills with Joy, Happiness, and Love shared with the Universe.

Writing Services

Psychic or Spiritual Writing

A unique and specialized type of writing that caters to individuals with a strong interest in the spiritual or supernatural realm. I will write about anything from Psychic readings, predictions, paranormal, psychic abilities, soulmates, twin flames, Meditation, Energy Healing, Chakras, Spiritual awakening, unknown phenomenon’s, evolution and more! I can distribute My Psychic or Spiritual writing services through Articles, Blog posts, Newsletters, eBooks, Landing Pages, Interviews and more!

Herbal Healing Writing

Herbal healing has been practiced for centuries and remains a popular alternative to conventional medicine. A form of healing derived from plants, herbal remedies can treat various ailments, from minor issues like headaches and indigestion to more severe conditions like arthritis.
With my knowledge and experience in Holistic Medicine, I can offer Herbal Healing writing services with topics surrounding recipes, rituals, potions, magical spells, essential oils, teas, and so much more. Whether you seek articles and blog posts for your website, landing pages, or newsletters to include the education of this alternative practice, you can be sure that your written pieces will be well-researched and filled with complex content to your liking.

Holistic Nutrition Writing

Holistic Nutrition is an approach to health and wellness that focuses on the whole person, including their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. It emphasizes the importance of natural, whole foods and aims to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs to function optimally. At its core, holistic Nutrition is about balance. With my Holistic Nutrition Writing services, I can deliver articles, blog posts, Newsletters, Meal Plans, Recipes, eBooks, landing Pages, Research papers, interviews and more!

Astrology Writing

Astrology is a fascinating field that has been practiced for thousands of years. Astrology studies movements and relative positions of celestial bodies and interprets their influence on human affairs and natural phenomena. My Astrology Writing services can include topics such as Types of Astrology, History of astrology, how it’s used, Personality and Psychological impact and collective consciousness impact. I can distribute my Astrology Writing services through Articles, Blog Posts, eBooks, Newsletters, Landing pages, Interviews and more!

Movement or Fitness Writing

With my lifetime experience in athletics and education, and skills in strength training, martial arts, animal flow, yoga, and some forms of Dance, I can create Fitness Writing articles, blog posts, landing pages, and eBooks to fit your needs. These services can range from topics of workout plans, exercises, movements for injuries, prevention, mobility training, and so much more! I have a fantastic science background, which will ensure that your content is accurate and well-researched.

Spiritual Travel and Adventure Writing

Travel writing is a genre that allows me to share experiences of exploring unfamiliar places, cultures, and traditions. In combination with spiritual writing, I can take countless directions to seek and explore the mysteries of existence while fostering a deeper connection to the divine. I can explore the teachings of different religious traditions and cultures while emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and introspection.
On another note, I can create engaging and creative travel writing pieces (Blog Posts, Articles, etc.) by capturing the essence of the destination and conveying it to the reader. Whether that be the vibrant colors and aromas of a local market, or the sound of waves crashing against the shore, you can be sure that the reader will imagine themselves in the destination and experience it more vividly with my Travel Writing Services.

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Healing Services

Tarot Reading

Tarot cards are known for their powers of divination and ability to connect and be the mirror to our souls. Using Tarot Cards and connection to Nature and Higher Energies, I will interpret your inner desires, feelings, and truths to spark your intuition within the present matter. We will then work together to resolve, understand, and work through any challenges, obstacles, or limitations present.

Oracle Reading

Oracle cards are a form of divination, used as a tool to connect with your higher self and communicate directly with the divine. The Word Oracle stems from Latin Orare, which means “to speak or give wisdom.” 

The type of person that would benefit from Oracle cards is seeking the truth of their soul and desire to pursue their life with courage, grace and wisdom that enriches their spiritual growth. 

Oracle cards offer guidance that pierces the Ego by expanding your awareness. Thus, if you seek a positive, uplifting message that provides faith, hope and inspiration, oracle readings will give you that spiritual support you are protected. 

Ayurveda and Holistic Nutrition

Food is our energy source. It comes from Nature and fuels our biochemical processes in the body, mind and spirit. It is the ultimate source that provides us with energy to live and breathe at our highest vibration and potential selves. I will guide you through your health concerns and work with you to create your ultimate food diet for your biochemical makeup.

Astrology Reading

The solar system is a mirror to our planet Earth. It provides a complete reflection through the placement of the stars and planets in our galaxy. Respectively, I will use and interpret the planets and constellations using Western and Vedic Astrology. We will dive deeper into the fantastic phenomenon that can sometimes describe our psychology. Our stars can enhance our power, believing we are all born with gifts and patterns. The ultimate form of Self- Love knowing when to confidently push your limitations, knowing that the universe is here to enhance your visions.

Personal Training and Movement Therapy

With a focus on healing and providing your body with the necessary movements and exercises tailored to your needs, I hold considerable expertise that will keep your workouts fun and exciting. I have a Martial Arts background in Karate and Boxing and am a certified Strong nation Instructor providing HIIT training utilizing fighting moves. You can surely enjoy these sessions with my structural anatomy background and experience in Yoga, Animal Flow, some dance, and strength movement.

Reiki and Chakra Healing

During this Video session, we will focus on connecting through a meditative exchange behind the camera screen. Each in the comfort of our home, I will guide you through healing meditation as I connect to Nature and Universal energy. By being directed by a higher power, I will intuitively guide you to open up chakra centers to trigger a subconscious design within you and dissolve any blocks that could limit your life force. Trusting in the Divine to heal through me will initiate healing within you.

Writing Pieces for Clients/ Publications

10 Compelling Signs From the Universe You Need to Be Aware Of

Learn how to interpret the signs from the Universe and navigate the shifts that come with them..View more

5 Healing Knee Exercises For Knee Pain Or Post Injury

Our knees are the driving force for our bodies. Without them, we could not move around the way we wish in the practical world.. .View more

Top 10 Best Online Psychic Reading Sites & Services in 2023 – Find Trusted Psychics

In today’s fast-paced world, the quest for enlightenment has taken a digital turn, with numerous spiritually gifted advisors you can access easily.

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By learning to use the power of our thoughts, we can manipulate the energy in our environment and get what we want in life. ..View more

Fortune-telling has been used throughout history by gods, prophets, and shamans. It is an ancient practice used to know the future through a combination of psychic abilities, magic, and leaving it up to faith. .View more

Although they may seem similar, there are a few fundamental differences between telepathy and telekinesis. Understanding these differences is instrumental to using these practices with clarity and control. View more

Knowing your spirit animal and the symbols and meanings they hold is a magical doorway that transcends all dimensions. As we connect to our spirit animal, we connect to nature and all its elements that take us out of our human egos into our souls.View more

Palmistry is usually used to determine someone’s character or predict the future, but did you know it can also be used to assess whether you have psychic abilities? .View more

As we awaken, we see more development of psychic abilities that are often mistaken as strange events, déjà vu, or even extremely vivid dreams.

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I Ching Reading: 10 Steps for Beginners From an Expert Psychic

I Ching, a way of life, a way of being. I transform and change, flowing within my Divinity.

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10 Clear Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

Knowing whether you’re going through a spiritual awakening can be challenging. Some of its signs might even feel like you’re experiencing a nervous breakdown. .View more

As we ascend as a collective and soul elevation challenges our bodies and minds, we must pay conscious attention to the sensitivities of our chakra centers and auric fields. – VIEW MORE

How to Read Auras: 10 Tried and Tested Tips to Get an Accurate Reading

Every living thing is made up of energy. As a result, all of nature, including plants, animals, air, and humans, emit specific radiations in the form of colors. These colors are known as auras and can be felt, seen, tasted, or even smelled..View more

7 Spiritual Gains when Staying True to Yourself

Gather around and allow the breakthrough to unchain you. Watch as heaven’s doors open for you and your mind abides by your spiritual discipline. Are you ready to finally take the reins of your own life and maintain and develop your unique spiritual Truth?

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Crystal balls are powerful divination tools that have been used for thousands of years to foretell the future. But they can be used for so much more. Crystal balls hold many different benefits for your life. – VIEW MORE

Most of us want to know ourselves a little deeper. Astrology is a guide to find yourself—it makes you the star of your own life. It serves as a gateway to discovering your purpose in life, guiding your decisions, and illuminating a path that holds opportunities for living your best life. But how does this work, and how can we discover this for ourselves? View more

Dreams occur in a state of lost awareness. Our body’s organs and functionalities slow down, and our soul and spirit become lighter. Our minds are free and open to act on their own without our conscious input, and we are taken on a journey through illusions and states of hallucinations.

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The state where the Oracle can take you cannot be described with only words. You fly high outside your body in spirals and waves, bouncing through spiritual stations. Nothing can replace this moment. – VIEW MORE

10 Root And Tuber Vegetables That Will Give You Beautiful Skin

Root and Tuber vegetables are the world’s most consumed group of vegetables. These vegetables are made along with a main meal or dish. Often, they are part of a mixed vegetable dish or seasoned with other meals. The most popular are carrots, potatoes, garlic and onions. .View more

Five Healthy Tips When Living From Your Suitcase

Travelling opens us up to new perspectives, cultures, foods and traditions. We learn a lot by visiting different destinations outside our everyday environment. We become excited to experience new activities, historical architecture, foreign languages and social customs. We eat and drink fresh delicacies and change our sleep and rhythm.

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Those who had a connection to their five senses, saw the future, and connected with spirits have been part of culture since the beginning of human existence. To this day, these types of people are what combine religious faith and psychic knowledge. Mediums can lessen the pain that comes with the understanding that all species will have to face death, and psychics can guide those who are lost. – VIEW MORE

Your environment is a manifestation of your subconscious. Feng Shui teaches that you can consciously manipulate the flow of positive Chi (energy) in your surroundings by adjusting light, color, objects, landscapes, shapes, and spaces. .View more

“I was lost, and I found myself again, in all of you and all of me”

Soulmates are in our lives to show us meaning. As a psychic, I have realized that soulmates come in all forms as nature presents to us, separately, together, in groups, or individually.

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Do you often catch yourself thinking about someone right before they bump into you or call you on the phone? Or perhaps you are given a glimpse of a person’s reality through an image in your mind. – VIEW MORE

7 Healing Benefits Received Through Reiki Meditation

Reiki is a form of therapy. It connects us to communion in the form of communication. An intertwinement of energy creates questions, intention, and a solution through connection. It provides hope, and a charge of energy propels us forward into healing and wholeness…View more

Soulmates vs. Twin Flames: 10 Key Differences You Need to Know

As a spiritual psychic, I have encountered several similarities during my readings between soulmates and twin flames, manifesting within the soul as a spiritual connection. First, however, it is essential to be aware of the critical differences between the two.

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Meditation is an ancient Vedic practice utilized by various religions since the beginning of time. No matter the scripture, the essence remains the same, and through meditation, you can open a doorway to experience the bliss of the spirit. – VIEW MORE

Vedic astrology, or Hindu astrology, is an auxiliary discipline in Hinduism connected to the Vedas that focuses on the best time to perform rituals to improve health, finances, love, and relationships. It teaches us that the soul is divine and that we can connect with our inner light through meditation and by removing egoistic limitations that hold us back from our highest potential. – VIEW MORE

Love is an unexplainable transcendent transaction with the universe that takes us beyond the concepts of circumstances, age, cultural differences, and status. And you never know when cupid will strike. – VIEW MORE

There are many psychics that have different skills to support and help guide clients on their spiritual journey. Using tools such as tarot divination (the reading of tarot cards to gain insights about the past, present, and future), astrology (studying the movement of celestial objects), dream analysis, and more, a psychic can help you fix your love life. – VIEW MORE

A psychic medium is a person that can communicate with spiritual beings. Their spiritual sensitivity is heightened, and they can readily connect to the cosmic dimensions.  – VIEW MORE

Palmistry has been used throughout history in Indian cultures to predict the future. The life, head, heart, and fate lines on your palm can determine your personality, daily routine, and health and predict when significant events will take place throughout your life. VIEW MORE

A leader in his own right, Aries is a cardinal fire sign that guides himself and others. As a psychic who has encountered many Aries individuals, I’ve learned that being in a relationship with this fire sign can be a thrilling and transformative journey.- VIEW MORE

My world is a crystal ball that becomes many worlds when I connect to my senses and feel everything, thinking nothing. – VIEW MORE

The lunar cycle influences the tides of mother nature and the feelings and emotions embodied by feminine energy. This sensitive flowing energy is found in each of us and illuminates our intuition throughout the four phases of the moon. – VIEW MORE

“Knowledge is power, but yet, so is joy.”

Both positivity and negativity spread like a virus. But if you keep your body, mind, and soul at a high vibration, you protect yourself from harmful energies that create negative vibrations.


Client Case Studies

Case Study with Cardiovascular System Imbalances

Rainbow’s main health concerns were managing his weight, slow and fast heart rate, High blood pressure and fatigue. These concerns were associated with the systems most out of balance; the digestive system, intestinal system and cardiovascular system..View more

Case Study with Nervous System Imbalances

We discuss how proper lifestyle choices impact our quality of health and I emphasize the importance of maintaining flexibility, muscle and bone strength, and cardiovascular health..View more

Green Smoothie Recipes to Promote Overall Health

This eBook is for people with symptoms of a weak immune system, such as fatigue, frequent illness, colds, headaches, and unexplained hunger and who want to build their immunity.

It is for Athletes who are tired of sugar-packed energy drinks that only create a high buzz that leaves them crashing later in the day.

For individuals who need a quick and convenient morning breakfast or snack that gives them energy without the cravings for caffeine or sugar afterward.

In this 12-page book, I provide seven quick Green Smoothie Recipes that will fuel your cells with regenerating power, giving you long-lasting energy to fuel your workouts. These smoothies offer excessive fibre and nutrient-dense ingredients, promoting healthy digestion, improving skin health, reducing muscle aches and joint pains, and stabilizing your nervous system.


The first thing that stood out about Rozalia is how much she cares about her clients. When she speaks, you can tell it’s coming from her heart, and she wants nothing but the best for her clients. She kept me accountable but did it in a way that always motivated me to do better for myself and never gave up hope. A few times, I felt like giving up, but Rozalia was right there to lift my spirits and remind me how far I have come. A true angel in the business, which I don’t see very often. So glad I pulled the trigger on this one 💪.

S Flower

Rozalia is a wonderful distance reiki healer, astrologer, tarot reader, nutritionist and friend!

Her gifts are truly unique and truly promotes wellness in mind body and soul! She was able to uncover and analyze the route of any problems I’ve asked her for help with over the years. I am so very grateful for all of Rozalia’s work and expertise. If you run into Rozalia it’s no accident! She will be a positive impact on your life.

Sam A

Let’s build something great together.

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