Full Moon in Leo Tarot Spread – January 25th to 26th – Do What Makes you Happy.

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I love Leo’s. Their Exuberant nature, ruled by the Sun, makes them the most vitalized Sign in all of the Zodiacs. I am thankful to have Leo as my Chiron placement in my Tropical Chart and Jupiter and Venus in Leo in my 7th house Vedic Chart. 

You see, I healed my lack of attention on my Creative and Athletic Pursuits as a child growing up in my 5th house in Tropical Astrology while finding love and reaching abundance, wealth and prosperity by giving myself that exact attention in this moment and moving forward in Vedic Astrology in my Kalatrabhava house. – You have to work the Karma out, to see changed results!

Karma/ Tropic Vs. Dharma/ Vedic

I know it’s a lot to take in. – I will have to do some posts on the two astrology and how they come together. Bear with me. I’m sure we will get there. 😅🙏

“I say the truth and another layer opens up” – Spell casted with the Tarot Pulled below.

The High Priestess, Queen of Swords, King of Swords and Eight of Wands from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

I am just trying to be better, peal away all the Fear. The Fear that keeps me from saying what is on my mind, what I see psychically, or what I don’t see through my Psychic Abilities. I just want to be so raw in how I move, read, and show up to others through the processes in my life, as well as my business and career. 

How else can my gifts grow If I become afraid to share them?

The Full Moon is about completion. A completion of endless cycles, seasons, patterns, outdated thinking, habits and lessons. Leo is about being front row centre, in the spotlight, dancing to the beat of their drum, and having the courage to show up in their most vulnerable yet passionate states of strength and bravery.

The Zodiac Leo Rules Three Main Tarot Cards: The Sun, Strength and the Six of Wands. 

Pulling out any of these three Tarot Cards during this Full Moon in Leo Tarot spread I created and sharing it with all of you is highly auspicious. It provides an extra boost of Energy and emphasis during this Full Moon. So look out for these Auspicious energies as you read my post and try the Spread out for yourself. 😉

There will be affiliate links to various psychics and my websites. I am working to make Blogging one of my Income Generators; your support can help make that happen! 

For this Full Moon I used the Green Witch Tarot. You can purchase this Deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission. 

Green Witch Tarot

Current Energy entering the Full Moon in Leo.

The High Priest

The High Priest took me for a ride these last Two days. I pulled this Energy yesterday at noon EST during the Peek Full Moon. However, I couldn’t write; it was like I was paralyzed. My higher self guided me to set the High Priest on the table and work on practical tasks instead as I let his magic do his thing and show me how it needed to unfold. 

As the day passed, I realized why I couldn’t rush writing this post. I had clients for Reiki Healing, Tarot and Astrology, and as a result, I was able to practice and polish my skills and talents as a healer and psychic. I even had another Psychic Read me to gain some perspective, tying it all together.

The traditional Hierophant in the Tarot is a structured religious figure, a priest who stands by specific structures, rules and regulations after obtaining spiritual information from the High Priestess and creating a spiritual practice surrounding this enlightenment. 

You see, he is a teacher, and he *Guides*, *teaches* his *ways* to a collective to understand the connection to the Divine. 

Now I laugh because if you read the previous Day Reading, you will note that I talk about true spirituality beyond beliefs and emotions to which a leader is attached. Who no longer guides or onsets authority on their clients or collective but empowers them to seek spiritual wisdom within.

“I had to go through the lesson” – Face my Ego, face the beliefs and emotional projections others have on me that create separation, and remember who I am! 

As a Spiritual Teacher, I must remind myself that I am teaching others about healing within, empowering them to be strong and confident in their decisions and who they are.

I had to become the High Priest from the Green Witch Tarot.

Look at him; he is one with nature, grounded to the four elements: fire, water, earth and air. He speaks to the birds, the plants and the trees. As he performs his ritualistic tasks, praying to the heavens and utilizing the energies of the seasons, he welcomes the power of the celestial Sun to energize the Holy Brew he is stirring. He is simply the medium that creates what Nature and Spirit have given and shares his holy brew with others to help heal, transform, and empower them from within.

I am entering the Full Moon as this Magical High Priest. 😁😊🙏

>>As a Spiritual Advisor I can help empower you to find your inner voice, by sharing with you my esoteric methods of Tarot, Astrology and more! Connect with me here 🙂

What is Blooming in my life?

Knight of Pentacles and The Holly King

Knight of Pentacles and the Holly King from the Green Witch Tarot

As I shuffle, I hear a small whisper from within – “My confidence is Blooming in my Life.” – How Leo of me. 🤣

The Holly King is the Hermit in the original Tarot, ironically aligning with my Energy of the Year covered in my first-ever Daily Tracker Post.

It is beautiful how this all comes together. The Holly King is the sage, the knowledge seeker who forges a new path by following the inner guidance from within. He is the Teacher who goes through an unknown journey of self-reflection to return to the light and help others seek their own counsel. 

Guided by the reindeer, which symbolizes knowledge and guidance, his radiant wisdom comes in due course through experiencing detachment from any old or outside expectations, beliefs or emotions of others. 

He is the guide by example. 

Now coupled with the Knight of Pentacles to his left, this inner wisdom and spiritual growth is approached slowly, step by step, with grounded precision. I note how the girl holding the big coin is smiling, connecting to nature, excited and determined to make her way in the broader world. 

The Knight of Pentacles is the Energy of a new career adventure. The occasion is auspicious, and I am this girl who earns a living through my hard work as I allow this muscular workhorse to carry me and my earned pay on my belt.

With this Energy, I offer stability and approach work in a reliable and organized manner. I still have so much to learn as I implement new ideas and carry them through, finding my goals achieved through business and opportunities. This girl is self-reliant and on a new stage of work or career.

How can I radiate warmth to others?

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands from the Green Witch Tarot

“Overcoming Self Doubt while trusting my Intuition and instincts.”

I completely understand this Energy, as yesterday I was hit with doubt in my Psychic Abilities and my skills to channel and provide beneficial Reiki Healing. I was also challenged by a demanding client who wanted me to conform to her expectations in a Tarot Reading. I also had clients who struggled with their Solar Plexus, which is responsible for our confidence, self-esteem, and ability to set boundaries and replace dominance with respect.

These challenges and obstacles yesterday had me doubting my position in my work, skills and talents.

But, As I went through the process, I woke up this morning empowered, self-confident, and completely aware that I am clear about what my inner guidance and intuition have been showing me through my journey and the accomplishments I have created and achieved displayed on my walls. 

The Woman in this Seven of Wands does things differently than an established procedure; she paves her own way and, as a result, surmounts difficulties to be in a better position, above the competition, securing a good career position. She works against the odds despite criticism from others. She utilizes her natural instincts and skills gained through experience to write, learn and teach to get her ideas across to others.

As a result, She is me, who can radiate warmth to others by being courageous and confident, keeping problems under control methodically, facing issues as they appear, and trusting the path paved for her to have the advantage in her successes.

>>Need helping paving your own path forward? A Psychic on Mystic Sense can help get you sorted.

In what area of life do I need to exhibit more confidence?

Five of Chalices

Five of Chalices and the Sun by Green Witch Tarot

“I need to be more confident in my healing and ability to release stressful relationships and useless regrets.”

We cannot control how others perceive or react to us. We also cannot control others’ actions, nor do we have too many expectations on how situations and relationships should evolve or manifest in our lives. 

I have faced many complex relationships, disappointing situations, and regrets in myself and others. At times, these losses, triggers and traumas still affect me and trigger my ability to see the bounty, blessings and miracles in the present, displayed by the underlying Sun Card energy. 

The Woman in this Five of Chalices is pouring out unfulfilling situations into the grave to be released and transformed; she is mourning and grieving with the assistance of the beautiful Hare, symbolizing crossroads, sensitivity, cycles and renewal. 

It is time to be better at letting go and welcoming the Joy and Happiness around me presently, as this is the source of my confidence. 

What accomplishments and Achievements should I reflect on?

Six of wands clarified by the Eight of Chalices

Six of Wands and the Eight of Chalices from the Green Witch Tarot

I laughed when this came up because it was the Question answered with the Question 🤣 The Six of Wands speaks about receiving recognition after being victorious for overcoming challenging circumstances and chaotic energies. 

I pulled a clarification to pinpoint exactly what I was achieving. The Eight of Chalices showed up, indicating that I was overcoming the ability to walk away from unfulfilling circumstances and heart-felt connections of my past that were no longer serving me.

The Six of Wands is an energy of career victory and public recognition in this deck. Sometimes, an award, certificate, trophy, or praise could be given for a well-done job. It could sometimes indicate a pay raise, promotion or achieving an important goal. However, it is when our efforts are rewarded and we receive gains from one’s own efforts. 

With the Eight of Chalices to clarify, I have left familiar surroundings and people and begun a career and personal development journey. Sometimes, it can be a change in socializing patterns and show that one is elevating intellectually, professionally, and spiritually. This Energy symbolizes transformation, growing my skills and independence, and moving on to a higher level and new path. 

I definitely have so many recent achievements to be thankful for, and reflecting on these victories will be my focus this Full Moon as I raise my Glass to be a better version of myself, constantly evolving.

“I say the truth, and another layer opens up” – Spell casted.

>>Find me on Purple Ocean and I will read the Truth in your Situation helping you reach clarity. Username: Rozzebud

How Am I Rewarded and Recognized for these Achievements?

The Sun

The Sun from the Green Witch Tarot

“With Grace and Happiness”

The Sun Card is super auspicious to get in a reading. Ruled by Leo, it represents the greatest achievement regarding success, love, Joy, Happiness and abundance. 

I was thinking today that no matter how much money is, the gift of understanding nature’s food and connecting with it is an awareness I wish on everyone. How it heals the body and gives me the ability to make something taste so delicious daily. I know that it fuels me appropriately, heals me, and always supports my well-being; that’s true abundance.

I am Grateful to have access to beautiful food, and I love to cook it. That is Freedom! Eat whatever your heart and soul intuitively need and desire while knowing what to look for. 

The Freedom to move my body, to exercise, to know how to strengthen my bones and muscles, and to nurture my tendons, joints and ligaments. I am romanticizing my body, mind and soul while intuitively moving in a dance of exercises, the ultimate expression of self-love. In harmony, I feel creatively accomplished in turning my science wisdom into artistic expression, healing and rejuvenating my soul with writing, creating and building with the things I love.

I cannot be without exercise, sports, or movement; I legitimately fall into a deep dark hole of nothingness. This is what my Chiron, wounded healer placement in Leo in my 5th house of play highlights for me during this Full Moon. – Don’t give up on my Inner Child. It needs me to believe in her!

This blog has really turned me back in time. I locked myself in my yellow and orange room as a kid and wrote stories. Any stories, fantasies, and wherever my imagination would take me. Six years old, and I thought I was a genius 🤣. 

The point is that it was free writing, creative writing, and channelling. Visualization and writing magic and miracles into life. I now get to do that again, and my heart lights up writing about spirituality, magic and healing. Except this time, I am the main character. 

I know, Super Front Centred Leo of me 😎

Work hard for Happiness, and you’ll reach that state. The greatest achievement you can accomplish.😁

What I ate Tonight making me Extra Happy 🤣

Tofu Wrap with Kale and Avocado

What do I still need to complete during this Full Moon?

Knight of Pentacles clarified by the King of Wands

Knight of Pentacles and King of Wands from the Green Witch Tarot

“Quit being so slow and get it done.” 🤣

I’ve been dragging my A*ss when it comes to my taxes, which slows down every other creative aspect of my business (King of Wands). I want to work on my business, as this is my passion, but I have to first take care of the practical parts of it.

 I have to become an adult myself so that I can play afterwards. 🙄

It takes time, and you must be methodical, as this is also blooming in my life, as noted above.

So, I need to complete this Full Moon, and I’ll make sure to have the majority done tomorrow and completed by the end of the weekend so that I can finally get to the good part, the creative fun part, the King of Wands. 

The King of Wands in this deck is an advisor. He mentors and teaches by being a leader by example, active in his pursuits, self-assured, and living the ideal of truth and enlightenment. 

Because of the Fire element that governs this Card, the King of Wands teaches by doing. He is active in his body and creatively, sharing his wisdom and scientific or healing knowledge with others. Assertive yet professional, honest and respected, he brings ideas to fruition.

I added an Angel Number Oracle Pull for a little extra Oomph. 

Angel Number Oracle Deck

You Can Purchase this Deck on Amazon and Bless me with a Small Commission

Angel Number Oracle Deck

Other Decks used during this Post can be purchased on Amazon below 🙂

Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards

Symbolic Soul Tarot

>> Book a Healing Session of your choice if you desire guidance to allign body, mind and spirit.

One response to “Full Moon in Leo Tarot Spread – January 25th to 26th – Do What Makes you Happy.”

  1. My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 26th – 28th, 2024- Weekend Reading – I choose Love, I choose Me. – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] sure to tune into the Full Moon in Leo’s story to get the whole story […]


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