My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 10th, 2024 – Day Reading – Self-Awareness and Freedom

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Welcome to my Story as I embark on a Year’s Journey logging my Daily Tarot.

Today is the Fifth Day, January 10th, 2024. I am logging my Day Tarot Reading in my Daily tracker. – I encourage you to try for yourself. 

I may skip some days, Nights or both, especially if I need just a day off or I am catching up on other work. However, I plan to be as consistent and as Daily as possible. 

Please Like, Comment, and Share with anyone you feel would be interested in helping me stay accountable and support my New Muse. 

There will be affiliate links to various psychics and my websites. I am working to make Blogging one of my Income Generators; your support can help make that happen! 

Make sure to also read the Night Reading Reflection, as it is part of the Story 😊

For the whole month of January, I will use the Soul Tarot Deck to become acquainted with the cards’ theme and Story; every month, I will change decks to switch energies. 

You can purchase this Deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission. 

Symbolic Soul Tarot

The Card of the Day

Queen of sword

The Queen of Swords from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Sure of myself, I know who I am. 

The Queen of Swords is that Bitch. She is Clear-minded, seeks truth and is incredibly independent. Known as the woman of sorrows, she locks her heart in a cage and takes absolutely no BS from anyone. She does not care what others think of her; she has been through losses, pain, and trials and tribulations that have made her heart cold but strong and in control of the most critical thing: Her mind. Because of her experience, she knows who she is, who she was, what she wants and where she is headed. Straight to the point, she uses her wisdom of experience to cultivate peace, discern truth, explore intellectual pursuits and, most importantly, stay safe. 

Given that this is the day’s card, I can see how it would serve me naturally. As Libra Sun and Aquarius Moon, both Air signs, being in my mind, focusing on what is logical and realistic is a natural place for me. When my emotions lead me astray, I often lean on the Archetype of the Queen of Swords to guide me through realism. 

What Can I Learn Today?

The Moon and the King of Pentacles

The Moon and the King of Pentacles from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Wow- This combination is tricky. 

Let’s talk about this lucid moon energy. The first thing you notice in this card is the Scorpion found in the dark puddle of poisoned water. This Energy indicates that to traverse this dark terrain in front of us, we must let go of the psychic clutter or impressions that have clouded our intuitive judgements and filled our spirits with fear, pain, and uncertainty. The moon above is crying on our behalf, indicating that our emotions of love have been tainted by loss and pain that makes us fearful of the dark terrain and the shadows that may accompany us through this unknown journey. 

The moon is usually my Past life Card, meaning all the illusive fears that your Soul remembers from a past life; they are those phobias created due to experience of a time when we were afraid and in pain. 

Interestingly, the King of Pentacles showed up alongside it today. Yes, the King of Pentacles, the Energy of Capricorn, is in my Truth North in my Birth Chart. This is who I am becoming, where I am headed, this practical, stable, secure leader and boss who is wealthy and abundant in his own right. 

I will create more posts about Astrology; however, our North Node is our challenge in this life. We must go towards it to feel like we are challenging our comfort zone, attaining spiritual growth and following our purpose. However, it is difficult because it is an energy our Soul does not recognize. As in previous lives, we naturally embodied our South Node. 

So, I will work through my fears of financial stability, material reality, resources, and so on today. – I told myself I would work on my Business Tax return today – Ah, Hell. 

>> If you are curious to know what my Business, Soul Food FItness, Check this link out and sign up for my Newsletter.

I may want to do this.

The Fool

The Fool from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

hahaha. 😅

Ya, Let’s just forget our responsibilities and jump into the unknown like a Fool. 

Oh, the Fool, Trust your impulses and just jump, right?

Jump off this cliff, and don’t worry about that burning flame beneath you. I’m sure you’ll get caught on the way down before it is too late and burn up in flames. 😑

Jokes aside, the Fool is actually a really positive energy. He is the token for complete faith in an unknown higher power. He lets go of all ego attachments, fears, material, pain, and beliefs and follows his whim to start fresh and go towards a new beginning, innocent as he leaps with faith to create a world where all possibilities exist. This is a scary moment as he takes his first step towards his new adventure. He’s guided by luck, free of imprisonment of his old journey, ready to create something extraordinary and spontaneous.

Yeah, I can see how I may want to embody this Energy today 🙂

What should I focus on?

Seven of Cups in Reverse and the High Priestess

Seven of Cups in reverse and the High Priestess from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

My natural state, especially as I work as a Psychic and Spiritual healer professionally. 

Thus, I should focus on embodying this intuitive and mysterious goddess of secrets, who dives deep within herself to understand her Soul. Navigating my internal landscape, finding my wisdom to illuminate the mysteries of life. 

With the Seven of Cups in Reverse, this is a tricky balance of the Third Eye Chakra. When the Third Eye Chakra is balanced, The High Priestess is clear in her intuition, holds no attachment to her Psychic abilities, but simply allows them to come through as necessary. However, when the Third Eye chakra is out of balance, it can create daydreaming and wandering in a fantasy world filled with illusions, temptations and deception. 

Thus, I am supposed to be in my power, not just for myself but also for my clients who call me daily for Psychic readings, Spiritual guidance, and overall health concerns; I must focus on traversing beyond the veil into the underworld with clear intentions to return with a gift of true intuitive knowing – Claircognizants.

>>Purple Ocean and Purple Garden both have deals for New Comers! Find me on one of these platforms today, username ROZZEBUD and we will traverse through the unknown terrain together!

How can I serve others best?

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Tell the Truth!

This Ace of Swords has been popping up in my personal readings. It makes sense, though; I have been speaking up more often now, not just because of this Daily Blog but also because of my life in general. 

You see, In my Past Lives and also in the early stages of my current life, I have been a natural High Priestess accompanied by Moon Energy. The Moon Energy is governed by the Zodiac Sign Cancer, my South Node. 

I have been taught in this life and previous lives to keep secrets. To hold back on all the intuitive nudges that I am aware of in my reality, beyond the veil, the things I see the people in power do on a daily in this world to innocent people, the things I have experienced with Authority figures and bad Relationships, family members, etc. And how I was taught to be hush-hush, hidden in the dark, because if you say anything, as a Psychic, who will believe you? 

You can easily be manipulated behind the veil through psychic attacks, imprisonment of the Soul, spiritual contracts, telepathic impressions, and projected fears and illusions. To expose this kind of person is almost darn right impossible because there is no proof, no physical proof at least, not right away, unless you dig, dig, and dig until you come up with a real Live witnessed FACT (Ace of Swords) – The most impossible thing, is if that person is a Public Figure that holds high authority, power and community behind them. 

You need to be 100 % sure that this truth you expose out in the open is helping you and a higher collective of people and that you’re not going get destroyed in the process. 

I may want to avoid this.


Temperance from Symbolic Soul Tarot

What a weird energy to avoid. Temperance, weighting both sides, integrating your intuitive, emotional nudges, and blending the beliefs to see a higher perspective and larger pattern in life. 

Oddly, this is to be avoided. However, I can understand it. My natural fallback when I see the truth in something evident that I might not like or that is not right is to take a step back and weigh the pros and cons. I am to see the situation from that person’s angle and be patient as I look at the person through the eyes of the Divine, unconditionally loving them and thus forgiving almost instantly. 

This Energy usually serves its purpose, but it’s like this. Would you forgive a serial killer or psychopath for murdering X amount of people? Simply because you can take a step and understand the Psychology of their life and what led them to do so? Probably not. Justice would come into play in this situation, and law and order would be necessary. 

I don’t know how this will manifest today, but we shall see. 

>>Psychics at Mystic Sense have years of experience that can help between Truths – Receive your first 5 minutes Free when you connect today!

Angel Number

I need the support of my Angels today, so I pulled this Message, which speaks for itself 🙂

Angel Number Oracle Card Deck

You can purchase this Deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission. 

Angel Number Oracle Cards

>> Book a Tarot Reading if you desire daily insight to help you be more aware and mindful of your choices. 

Stay Tuned for tonight’s, Night Reflection.💖

One response to “My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 10th, 2024 – Day Reading – Self-Awareness and Freedom”

  1. My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 11th, 2024 – Day Reading – Endless Cycles – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] sure to also read the Yesterday’s Day Reading , as it is part of the Story […]


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