My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 8th, 2024- Night Reading – When you least Expect it.

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Join me as I delve deep into the Psychology of Tarot and use it to find deeper self-awareness and journey towards healing.

Make sure to tune into today’s Day-reading to get the whole story 🙂

For the whole month of January, I will use the Soul Tarot Deck to be acquainted with the cards’ theme and story; every month, I will change decks to switch energies.

Please Like, Comment, and Share with anyone you feel would be interested in helping me stay accountable and support my New Muse. 

There will be affiliate links to various psychic websites and my personal websites. I am working to make Blogging one of my Income Generators; your support can help make that happen! 

You can purchase this deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission.

Symbolic Soul Tarot

Reflection on Today’s Event

Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Seemingly attractive, as this was the Energy I was meant to avoid today 😅
I bought myself some new Tarot Cards! I know I was not supposed to, but they were calling my Name and I caved. When they come in, I will show you all what kind, and you will understand why I gave up the pentacle like the page would 😁

In a more profound sense, the Page of Pentacles is the student, the lover of knowledge. They are, at times a loner, because they become utterly obsessed with learning new things that could take on a new, grounded, stable direction in their lives.

Yes, I can understand why this was an energy that I was meant to avoid, but I cannot help it. When I see an opportunity, I grab onto it, especially when it aligns with what I do and already know within.

If you look at my Business Website, you will notice that for this reason, I offer so many services because I cannot stop learning – I just love it. There are many ways to heal Body, Mind and Spirit, and I uncover so much within myself that I always uncover new paths and roles.

Today, my client presented an opportunity that might require me to pull out one of my old textbooks to help her heal and strengthen her hips. Nonetheless, my Personal Training has taken more of a foundational root than one intended, but I am an intuitive trainer. So, if I have to learn or refresh my knowledge to help my clients, I will do so.

New Years New You? Do you need to strengthen your body, improve mobility, and reduce joint pain? Book a Personal Training session with me, and I will get you into shape!

What Lessons did I learn?

King of Cups

King of Cups from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Ah, Yes, I seem to embody this King of Cups Often. I naturally fall into this Energy because I have many Scorpio and 8th house placements in my Birth Chart. The King of Cups is ruled by the Zodiac Sign Scorpio, while my Planet Mercury and Mars, responsible for how I think and move, are in Scorpio in my 8th house of Sex, Death, endings, New beginnings and Transformations.

The King of Cups is warm, emotionally balanced and supportive. He tends to be the healer, as he can be actively compassionate towards others and provide nourishment through his ability to deeply feel his emotions. However, you would have no idea that this King feels any feelings because he can balance them well, allowing the love to flow through and around his body, mind and soul, guiding his steps and movements in a flow and artistic dance.

It was my Lesson today, and I did have many clients today that required me to embody this Energy. – Great Day 😁

Do you need to understand more about yourself? The stars can clarify your personality type! Find me on Purple Ocean, Username Rozzebud, and I will gladly help you!

How did I properly use my Energy?

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Wow, yup. 

It took some serious strong will and alignment to my values, truth and voice for me to be clear about what I needed to maintain Order. 

When you run a business, you have to make tough decisions. You have to make rules and stick to them. It’s okay to Bend once in a while, but not break. Because once you break, clients, customers, and whomever will take advantage. It is not easy to be firm in one’s boundaries, especially when I am a natural giver who utilizes my gifts of healing services to make a living! I balance something that, naturally, I used to give away for free (because it’s my love and personality). But as I have grown in personal value, worth and self-compassion, I have had to create healthy transactions for my time and Energy. 

The Ace of Swords clarifies that to not get trapped in my own negative self-sabotage and be walked all over, I have to speak up. I have to say what I need and want and be confident in what I bring to the table and what I offer.

If I know who I am and trust myself to make firm decisions, others will trust me to help them with their healing journey and bring respect to that.

How did I shine today?

Six of Cups and Knight of Swords

Six of Cups and the Knight of Swords from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Heh, I followed my Dreams!  🤺

The Knight of Swords talks about being single-minded and quick to action. Fast and furious, the Knight is on his way to spread awareness, let his dreams shine and be known by anyone willing to listen. He is willing to be a servant of Freedom, adventure, travel and hope. 

With the Knight of Swords blazing straight towards the memories of the past, Six of Cups. As I spoke about my dreams today with my clients and in my actions, I used some of my past memories as examples. It could be a Why, or perhaps it was a when, or even a what. But the Six of Cups definitely brings up the past, why we are where we are in our present, and the reason for what we are trying to achieve in our future. 

I guess you can say that is what makes our dreams purposeful. 💖

How did I poorly use my Energy?

Four of Swords and Ace of Wands

Four of Swords and Ace of wands from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Initially, I thought that it was that I had worked out. 🤨 – But then I looked deeper at the Four of Swords and realized that yes. While I was doing my workout tonight, I felt exhausted from the sleep disruption I had last night. 

You can see how this man is sleeping with the Four of Swords, meditating on his back. He has his eyes closed, however, he is mostly meditating and not truly asleep, gaining insight and maybe even lucid dreaming, and going on a quest. 

The Ace of Wands, at times, is an impulse, inspiration or need for action. In this case, I realized that it was my impulsive desire to take control of the situation and bring Order back to my apartment building. 

Let me explain so you get where I am heading with this!. I have a mentally unstable person living on my floor, a door down from me. He can get quite loud at times, and in the middle of the night, he was making his usual screams and aggressive, violent noises of slamming objects, doors, etc. It does get quite frightening for me, as it triggers an abusive response within me that occurred when I was younger in my home. You see, I don’t like it very much, and I want to take control of the situation. 

I have complained once before because obviously being woken up at 1 am, 2 am or 3 4 because of this very aggressive Energy is not a peaceful environment. Children live across from him, and I often wonder how they are experiencing this. I have complained once, twice, but no change. The person assured me he was getting help and medication, but I feel the behaviour only got worse. 😑

I suppose Spirit is trying to tell me that having this frustrating impulse to want to resolve the situation, let it upset me, and put the blame on my tiredness is a waste of my Energy. I agree. 

Sabai Sabai: It’s best to let it go. Something within me tells me that it will resolve itself. 

>> Check out my 30 Minute Beginner HIIT workout from Today, and Keep up if you Can 😁

A 30 minute Beginner HIIT Workout I did tonight before my Night Reading 😊- Try it out for yourself!

What should I release from today?

Seven of Wands in Reverse and the Hanged Man

Seven of Wands and the Hanged man from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Attractive pull, simply because the Hanged Man was in my Day Reading under “What I should Focus on.”

It shows that we are not meant to attach ourselves too long to a particular state of mind and allow ourselves to become too rigid. As this would indeed create resistance and only derail our growth and true spiritual Freedom. 

I better release the fight ( seven of wands in reverse), let go of the defensive position, cut the chord from the Tree I hung myself upside down on (Hanged Man), and let it go.

It is time to go into a dream state with a new sense of clarity!

Time Oracle Cards

My daily tracker thus far has been liberating and making me happier and more alive; it just feels *Right*. 🙏💖😊

So I got excited and decided to playfully ask the Time Oracle Cards when my Blog would go Viral. 😁😅

The answer below speaks for itself 🤣

Time Oracle Cards

You can purchase this deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission.

Time Oracle Cards

>> Book a Tarot or Oracle Reading with me if you desire daily insight to help you be more aware and mindful of your choices. 

Good Night 😴🥱

One response to “My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 8th, 2024- Night Reading – When you least Expect it.”

  1. My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 10th, 2024 – Day Reading – Self-Awareness and Freedom – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] sure to also read the Night Reading Reflection, as it is part of the Story […]


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