My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 7th, 2024 – Day Reading – The Fear of Speaking Up

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Welcome to my Story as I embark on a Year’s Journey logging my Daily Tarot.

A women afraid of Speaking up , AI generated

Today is the Third Day, January 7th, 2024. I am logging my Day Tarot Reading in my Daily tracker. – I encourage you to try for yourself. 

I may skip some days, Nights or both, especially if I need just a day off or I am catching up on other work. However, I plan to be as consistent and as Daily as possible. 

Please Like, Comment, and Share with anyone you feel would be interested in helping me stay accountable and support my New Muse. 

There will be affiliate links to various psychics and my websites. I am working to make Blogging one of my Income Generators; your support can help make that happen! 

Make sure to also read the Night Reading Reflection, as it is part of the Story 😊

For the whole month of January, I will use the Soul Tarot Deck to become acquainted with the cards’ theme and Story; every month, I will change decks to switch energies. 

You can purchase this Deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission. 

Symbolic Soul Tarot

The Card of the Day

Five of Pentacles in Reverse and the Hanged Man on its Side

The High Priestess, Five of Pentacles and Hanged Man from the Symbolic Soul Tarot Deck and Magical Messages of Faries Oracle Cards

“You’ve Got the Power!” – From the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards. 

The Hanged man Landed on his side on this card, indicating to me that I do not need to stay hung upside down for too long, looking at my situation and trying to understand what happened, why it did, and if it meant to be salvaged, or if its just time to cut the Chord and let go. 

I am Pulled into the Time capsule that embodies the Hanged Mans Torso. The Hanged Man often seeks enlightenment and waits before taking action to see a problem or challenge from all angles. As the Fairy tells me, I am encouraged to use my abilities to resolve this situation and trust I am making the right choices to release it. 

So this scam, Instagram marketer…Yes, I know I am still holding on to it. But mostly because I cannot understand the massive conspiracy I witnessed. 

This IG Marketer who promised me Organic engagement on my Business IG @soul_food_fitness, reassured me that my account was being advertised worldwide, so the People who would follow me and comment under my posts were real live individuals interested in what I offered. This is the primary goal when trying to grow your social media. I want to gain clients and people who can benefit from my services, spreading awareness, not Robots. I don’t need Robots. I don’t need Fake Likes, Fake Comments, and a Fake Popular Page- For what exactly? What does that do for me? – Anyhow, lol. 😑

I am thrown off because I usually would not have taken the chance, but this guy is followed by a trendy man whom I admire, and he has this Man endorsing his account. That is what it looks like from my point of view. This scammer uses a famous person (does he know? I am not sure) to lie, take money, and deceive people. Pretty Fu**ed up if you asked me. 

So the Five of Pentacles in Reverse basically talks about me taking myself out of poverty mindset, so the loss, the lack, that I am alone in this, and flipping it around and taking my power back, following my intuition, starting new accounts, starting fresh, and bringing the situation out into the open, so that this scammer doesn’t scam more entrepreneurs, like myself. 

However, Give me a moment as I settle down and look towards the rest of my Day reading to guide me through. 

What Can I Learn Today?

The World

The World with the Ace of Swords from the Symbolic Soul Tarot Deck

An old cycle is ending, and a new one is beginning. The Ace of Swords underlying this energy shows that I will speak up or have some sort of breakthrough or realization in my situation or Day. 

What is it to stay silent? Silence is essential when a situation does not need or will not be positively changed with your voice. But learning to keep silent when you are mistreated and witness injustice, abuse, or purposely attacked? Should you really stay silent? Is that what you are taught? To just take it, allow it, and do nothing?

That’s how bad people get away with so much stuff. We are taught that we should just stay silent. Now I understand not reacting; some things don’t need a response to avoid an unnecessary argument with the people you love. But bringing a specific painful or unfair situation to light, exposing a lousy person’s act towards you, is necessary so that they don’t do it again to someone else. 

I sit on this as I look at the achievements that the World energy brings me, and I am propelled by victory and animated by grace, being a creature of loveliness and confidence as my blessings swirl around me in the breeze. 

Starting a new Instagram Account feels liberating to me now. – Perhaps the New beginning is the lesson. 

>> Do you need guidance setting goals? A Spiritual Coach at Purple Garden can assist you in habit and behavior changes so you can reach your greatness!

I may want to do this.

Ace of Swords and the Three of Pentacles

Ace of Swords, Three of Pentacles and The Sun From the Symbolic Soul Tarot

I may want to bring this situation to Light. The Instagram marketer needs to answer me. He won’t explain himself or take accountability; he just goes online on WhatsApp, reads my messages and dips. I’m trying to work this out with him; perhaps I’m wrong, he made a mistake, or maybe we can work something out. But just gaslighting me, not responding to my messages while I was seeking an explanation for why he lied, and giving me the opposite of what I asked for begs me to question what his true intentions were. 

So the Ace of Swords talks about communication, having a breakthrough into a new start and victory with an idea, and bringing things to Light and clarity. The Ace of Swords is the Truth, honest, transparent, and filled with integrity. 

The Three of Pentacles talks about working things out, being a team player, compromising, collaborating, and building together. 

Now, I am starting to feel that this teamwork will not come from this IG Marketer but from another source willing to listen and would have the right to know that he is being used as a promotional tactic to promote deceitful and scamming services. 

What should I focus on?

The Chariot and the Seven of Wands in Reverse

The Chariot and the Seven of Wands from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

The Chariot is an ambitious energy that uses spiritual strength to overcome obstacles and challenges. He triumphs with control and integrity, moving towards victory with true wisdom that he must sacrifice and renunciate to open his heart to infinite possibilities rather than focusing on a fixed goal or point. 

The Seven of Wands talks about protecting yourself, defending your beliefs, and having the willpower to set boundaries. 

However, it feels reverse, which begs me to question if I am approaching this situation with too much FIGHT and FIRE, where I need to surrender into my heart space and allow the emotions and feelings to guide me towards what I should do. 

Given that the Chariot is governed by the water zodiac sign Cancer, I realize that this world needs a lot of love to feel safe. You have to be truly afraid of life, of being broke, of not having enough, to hurt another person and scam them of their money. Gaslighters are afraid because they cannot face the situation head-on when they make errors. Even if he did not, or he is a victim or completely innocent in this situation, if he is still too afraid to say something and explain himself, he must be surrounded by fear. 

I have hope and faith, so it will help me focus on the bigger picture of the Chariot and get into my power to resolve this situation in the best possible way. 

>> Are you Looking for Answers? A Psychic at Mystic Sense might be able to help you!

How can I serve others best?

Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Heh, Ya. Staying happy, making myself happy. Not putting my happiness in the hands or responsibilities of others. I am content with all I have and grateful for all my blessings. 

The Nine of Cups talks about being independent and able to spend solo time in your own company, doing all the things you enjoy, and being happy. There is a certain satisfaction to enjoying your own self, who you are, and not having anyone dictate your life or change your mood too much. 

I love myself, Man lol.😅 I know it’s crazy to say things like this out loud, but it took me a long time to get to this place, where I fall in love with myself daily. And I mean daily, falling in love with my life, choices, and growth. So even when shitty things like this happen around me, that I am deceived, or scammed, or shown how much fear and pain is in this world, I always manage to recognize that I am so blessed and happy to have everything that I need within myself, because that does indeed become reflected in my reality, as it has shown. 

So, the best way to serve others now is to be an example again. Making myself happy means other people around me benefit from that happiness. My joy and ability to love myself are examples that others should take on or partake in so they do not mistake that others need to give them that happiness. 

It takes strength and courage to cuddle and tame the Dragon with Love, to look the flame in the eye and say: I love you. 💖

I may want to avoid this.

The Emperor

The Emperor from the Symbolic Soul tarot

Wow- Okay, so I may want to avoid authority or some structure or leadership that might not benefit me or have any future. 

The Emperor talks about having everything under control; he is an excellent leader and an ideal ruler. However, it is not easy to be the top Man taking on so much responsibility to look out and keep a watchful eye, ensuring that everything aligns with his rules and regulations. 

He is determined and desires to serve the greatest good without concern for his own benefit. 

The Emperor has to learn to avoid falling in love with his creative structures. Because once something does not work, he cannot be afraid to blow it up; he must be willing to uphold order. 

So I must avoid this archetype, whether an energy outside of me, or I need to prevent it within me. I can see why this would show up; my natural instincts want to take control of this situation, blow up my business account, start fresh, and set everything in order again. 

I may be encouraged to let go of my control on this account or the situation itself. I’m sure that it will reveal itself to me throughout the Day. 

Make sure to Stay Tuned for Tonight Night Reading Reflecting the Day Today.

>> Book a Tarot Reading with me if you desire daily insight to help you be more aware and mindful of your choices. 

One response to “My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 7th, 2024 – Day Reading – The Fear of Speaking Up”

  1. My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 7th, 2024- Night Reading – Connect, Flow and Carry On. – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] sure to tune into today’s Day-reading to get the whole story […]


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