My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 5th, 2024- Night Reading – We are Stronger Together.

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So I am writing last night’s reflection this morning since Last night I started to flow and wind down into Yoga, Spiritual Dance, Meditation, and herb, and I ended up landing on my big ass Root Chakra Bean Bag. It grounded me so much and filled me with Love and Healing. I was so in my Crown Chakra being Energy that there was no need to force writing a Night Reflection, though I had much to say.

Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz doing the Crow Pose above the Animal Spirit Oracle Spread

For the whole month of January, I will use the Soul Tarot Deck to be acquainted with the theme and story of the cards, and every month, I will change decks to switch energies.

You can purchase this deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission.

The Symbolic Soul Tarot

Reflection on Today’s Event

The Star 

The Star from the Symbolic Soul Tarot Deck

The Energy of faith, hope, dreams and inspiration blessed me Yesterday. I say Yesterday to remind you all that I’m writing the following day to keep it real. 

Star Energy talks about a woman naked in the night under the stars. It’s dark, and she welcomes the shadows as part of her, knowing that she can feel the connection to all life in return as she faces the deepest parts of herself. The two vessels of water she holds are her purifying the poisoned Love versus the pure Love. As she handles the two vessels, she exhales healing and faith while inhaling star poems and songs. 

Every day, I face the fact that I am a psychic, and I am indeed tuning into a collective of energies that govern nature, animals, the elements, and people. Sometimes, it can get too much, but only when I try to control and won’t let go of resistance. The fear of being in touch with the most natural part of yourself, letting go, is a vulnerable feeling. Being a psychic means hearing, seeing, and feeling everything, including everyone, including seeing every part of you. There is no escaping it, Tit for Tat. Call it Shadow work, with the Devil underlying this Energy, speaking about enjoying the pleasures of what earth brings you, allowing it to show you what it is to be FREE without bondage. – I guess the herb did a little bit of that, haha. 😅

What Lessons did I learn?

Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

“There is no rush” – what my inner voice tells me.

The Two of Pentacles in this deck is silly; he is playful and easily handles all of the affairs such as home, family, work, health, community and relationships. He knows how to prioritize his time, manage his resources, and multitask to reach balance in all aspects of his life. If you look at this card, you will notice he has eyes in all parts of his body, including knee and elbow joints, three on his face, and three below the neck. He is on top of it, already aware of where he is headed and what he must do next. 

Yeah, I was on top of things Yesterday. I had a good work day; many clients came through, I posted some blogs, and I started a profile on Next Door promoting my New Year’s Reading Tarot Reading Special. As the day began to wind down, I naturally flowed into self-care, did yoga, tuned into my Animal Spirit Deck and ended up watching some movies. 

Here is a picture of what I cooked Yesterday! The recipe will be under the Food Meditation section of my blog, RECIPE COMING SOON. 

My Dinner Last night. Tofu Burger with Home Made Hummus

How did I properly use my Energy?

King of Cups

King of Cups from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Emotionally well-balanced as I maneuver through the earthly realm.

This shadow work was no joke, but it was necessary to tune in and see the truth as to why the Masculine Energy I was tuning into carries so much Pride.
Before I get into this, though, Let’s talk about the King of Cups.
The King of Cups is the Mediator of his emotions. He is artistic, as he can be intimate and honest with his inner workings and express them healthily and creatively. He faces emotional fears and wounds, one by one, and as a result, earns the right to serve. He helps others by being first able to control oneself. He doesn’t control his feelings nor repress them, but he allows them to flow through him in a stable force that makes a powerful being to be reckoned with.

I embodied this Energy deeply Yesterday as I fell into The Crow Pose and tuned into a collective of Energy or a story shown through the Animal Spirit Oracle Book.

The Wolf and The Bee

The Animal Spirit Oracle Card Spread

This story talks about a Wolf who is the leader of a pack. He protects his family at all costs, and as a result, he can be quite the activist in his own life. The Wolf’s mission is to uphold the well-being and longevity of the pack. When healthy, he focuses on humanitarian pursuits and teaching (religious or political studies). 

However, the Wolf gets in trouble when every member of his pack must follow suit, including children, but they don’t. It makes his world uncomfortable, and he must learn to balance out agitation and embrace all and exclude none. 

When Wolf Energy is faced with a vibrant, creative, and bustling artist, Bee Energy, at heart, it can stir up feelings of needing to control and dominate the Bees’ expression. 

I was tuning in and feeling the Story of The Wolf, who took on this dominating position, as he felt threatened to have his whole world come crashing down because of the Bees’ natural creative and artistic light. Now you see, when you have something to hide, the Bees’ honesty becomes a threat. Sure, the Wolf might claim he is doing everything to protect his pack, but this could not be further from the truth. Suppose you must hurt another being’s position because your Secret Life becomes exposed to yourself and the world around you. In that case, the Wolf is not taking accountability and showing up truly as he is.

So what now?

Will you squash the Bee and blame in the light emitted through honest Love? The Bees’ intention was only to love and create, and now you squashed it, and have to face your shadow and look at yourself and the fear of why you have been denying the need to protect this secret part of your life. The Wolf was held accountable by the Bee, and all the Bee was doing was being hardworking, sensitive, and bustling with a joyful personality filled with Love, appreciation, and happiness to be a part of a team project that shared a mutually creative vision. 

More on this spread in the following questions: the Whale and the Ants are a whole other story, haha.😁

You can purchase this Animal Spirit Oracle deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission.

Animal Spirit Oracle Deck

How did I shine today?

The Hermit

The Hermit from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

This Energy blew me away because of the Hermit holding the Honey Comb lantern surrounded by Bees. 🤣

The Hermit speaks about Solitude and spending time in the darkness, seeking inner knowledge and introspecting. Stars are still illuminating within his sight so that he can see ahead of him and his surroundings. The Hermit must use discernment to share space with his will, emotions, wounds, culture, marketing, lies and distractions when contemplating light and darkness. He finds himself within this inner wisdom as he is shown to shine from within. 

The Whale

The Hermit energy brings me back to the Animal Spirit Story and the Whale that showed up on its side, governing the Wolf and Bee as they share each other’s experiences in their perception of reality. 

Yesterday, I was shining my light as I followed my desire to delve deeper and seek ancient wisdom and profound Peace. You cannot find the steady balance of calm and deep compassion if you don’t face the “Old Story” of the Bee and the Wolf and seek regular self-care while doing so. You can trust the Energy of the Whale to be the beacon in our darkest hour. 

How did I poorly use my Energy?

Four of Pentacles and Nine of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles and Nine of Pentacles from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Interesting pull. The first thing that comes to mind is not realizing how wonderful I am.😅 – I know it is a bit narcissistic to say that, but I have been working on my confidence my whole life and recognizing the security and independence that I have created for myself is an essential aspect of who I am and who I am becoming. 

Now, this comes up because the Four of Pentacles talks about protecting your assets at all costs, to a point where it can become a bit greedy and fearful of letting go of one of these energy resources in fear that you will lose it all. It’s a poverty mindset, which I work through daily, to welcome the natural abundance and flow of wealth that the Nine of Pentacles represents. 

Luckily, the upright position of the Four of Pentacles is healthy for a while. I am saving my resources, building security and protecting myself. However, resources are meant to flow at different rates, depending on variables like demand, supply, whims, tragedies and fate. We have a hand in the flow and can help redirect it, move it, and build necessary bridges. 

Money is Energy, and holding on too tightly will only attract more lack, and letting go of it too quickly can create instability and insecurity. You must find a healthy balance to welcome an influx of abundance, wealth and opportunities. 

Yesterday, I invested In this new NextDoor website, where I can connect with my neighbourhood and promote my services. I did that; I invested $20 to try and connect with 7000 people around me who need a New Year Tarot Reading. Nothing has happened yet, but it was a $20 chance, which is a reasonable risk to see if I can generate a return on investment. 

I felt so poorly used that it’s most likely spirit trying to wake me up and show me that I am more financially independent, self-sufficient, and successful in my stability and inner safety than my fears of lack at times lead on. I am thankful for this combination. 

What should I release from today?

The Two of Cups

Two of Cups in the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Alright, I am to release the same Energy I had to release in the last Night reading. It makes sense. My New Year resolution was to let go and release a spiritual lover for whom I have profound feelings but to let love in without resistance.

Most of last night was me allowing this Love to come through but learning to let go and release at the same time. It takes work. A healthy partnership is about having the most prominent trust in your Love, that there are no expectations in how the Love comes and goes, and that there is freedom and no bondage in the connection. It is a complex concept that even I try to teach my clients because if we hold on too tightly, then our toxic shadow needs of survival come out, and codependency can become loud, so much so that it breaks you and makes you lose your power to another.

We cannot control how another feels, thinks, or acts; all we can do is control ourselves. This concept does not mean you should allow disrespect or destructive behaviour to occur and take over constantly.

I feel this is why Empathic souls struggle so much with Narcissistic abuse in relationships. They constantly learn to allow the Divine or God to see the higher perspective and side of things, but at times to a fault, where they forget that part of that Divine Love is also Self-Love. Knowing your worth, values and needs in a connection, not setting that aside to understand why your partner projects abusive pain onto you. – Neglect, Gaslighting and lack of appreciation falls under the category of abuse.

I feel things deeply; I am a sensitive soul that loves hard. And I have a history of narcissistic abuse in my life. Now I see that behaviour so clearly that I don’t allow it to come in anymore. But I still slip because I see the person’s pain, my pain, and want to love them.

I often note that this is why certain Religious cultures can become dangerous, as the Man becomes in control and so attached to the rules of the scripture that he projects the lens of power onto the women, who are taught to stay silent because if they speak up, their world is doomed.

As a collective, I see women now standing up, being the Oracle and the channel of Divine Wisdom, that spirituality is indeed Freedom to Love, not hate, control, or dominate. And yes, with that comes a piercing to the Ego of the Masculine Energy, the Pride of staying in control to preach a knowledge they fail to understand because they silenced their Feminine Oracle for so long. Afraid of the Feminine Power, though together they are stronger.

It is why we have war, separation, and all of this fighting on diversity and difference in beliefs, but if we only took a moment to take a breath and exhale, stop and be still, we would see that we are all the same, souls who desire to be Loved.

>> Book a Tarot Reading if you desire daily insight to help you be more aware and mindful of your choices. 

One response to “My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 5th, 2024- Night Reading – We are Stronger Together.”

  1. My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 7th, 2024 – Day Reading – The Fear of Speaking Up – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] sure to also read the Night Reading Reflection, as it is part of the Story […]


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