Your Jupiter Astrology and Tarot Reading – Reaping the rewards and claiming unexpected blessings and fortune.

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Now that Jupiter is Directly in motion, we can expect to be blessed with unexpected opportunities, fortunes, lucky breaks, and material success in the areas of our lives that Jupiter currently governs. 

I have tuned into the Collective, and based on their Jupiter Astrology and the Tarot Card pulled for each specific sign, here is a road map to best maneuver through this lucky transit.

Animated Picture of a Man standing under the Planet Jupiter

Aries – Jupiter in the 2nd House – The Warrior of Pentacles

Luck is on your side this year, Aries, regarding your Money and finances! I know you like to jump straight into Action. However, Jupiter, being in your House of possessions, is asking you to move slowly, dependable on your social contacts, financial dealings, and ways of expansion. Money will be made by you easily as Jupiter is Direct and may point to travelling and creating generous and visionary money-making pursuits.

Your Tarot Card

Warrior of Pentacles from the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot

The Warrior of Pentacles fell out for you, which further emphasizes the nature of the abundance of flowers surrounding you and knowing that your force and strength come from being grounded and balanced. If you have been working to bring a project or finances into existence, know that you are on the right path – A Quiet Victory. 

Taurus – Jupiter in the 1st House – Nine of Wands in Reverse

Luxurious Taurus, you are very generous with your time and energy during this time. Blessed with luck and a cheerful disposition, you are a social success. Your Personality and Character are highlighted, and you inspire confidence with your expansive and kind qualities. As Jupiter goes direct, the challenge is avoiding self-indulgence, as you could tend to gain weight. However, you are a walking money magnet during this time.

Your Tarot Card

Nine of Wands in Reverse from the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot

The Nine of Wands indicates that during the Retrograde, you may have had to set boundaries to protect your time, energy, and resources and may have placed a lot of weight upon you. 

However, now that Jupiter is direct, those boundaries are coming down, and you feel lighter and more willing to be vulnerable with those you trust. 

Gemini – Jupiter in the 12th House – Four of Cups

My social butterflies could struggle during this period as your expansive, lucky planet goes directly into your House of secrets, seclusion, sorrows and self-undoing. You are encouraged to lean towards the spiritual, and your success comes from philanthropic, social or medical work that helps or benefits others. New gifts from Past Lives of being a healer can be bestowed to you during this time if you answer the call.

Your Tarot Card

Four of Cups from the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot

The Four of Cups governs your planet’s energy in the 12th House. At this time, you may feel discontent and dissatisfied with what life has provided. Appreciate what you have, and don’t limit yourself to old patterns of beliefs, as you are encouraged to see that the grass is always greener and to be open to new possibilities and gifts your way. Release attachment and seek Meditation often.

Cancer – Jupiter in the 11th House – Ace of Cups

You are popular with others as Jupiter stations Direct in your House of future friends, hopes, wishes and dreams. Finally, you feel you belong and have found your spiritual family aligned with your highest vision and pursuits. Dealing with successful and influential people will be fruitful, and you shall benefit. Your natural, compassionate, and empathetic nature will surely bring you luck and happiness, benefitting from others’ influence.

Your Tarot Card

Ace of Cups from the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot

The Ace of Cups blesses your House of ideal friends as you embark on an intuitive and emotional journey with your higher self. Your creativity and understanding of self bring you greater Love and self-compassion. You are embodying the newfound healing that Jupiter has bestowed upon you.

Leo – Jupiter in the 10th House – Meditation

On stage and ready to perform, Leo, you thrive when Jupiter is in your House of public persona and career! Worldly pursuits are in order, as your desire to achieve in life will likely have good results in your career. Your confidence is sky-high, and you could receive public honour and esteem. Be careful towards arrogance, stay humble, and you will surely win the favour of influentials.

Your Tarot Card

Meditation from the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot

Meditation, traditionally the Hanged Man in the Tarot, brings a new perspective to your usual active, starlight personality. You can easily rest now, Leo; all you have to do is show up and take sanctuary in the flowers that have bloomed in your 10th House and allow the abundance, luck and wealthy opportunities to roll in without lifting a finger. Receiving, Releasing, making space, and standing still embody Meditation.

Virgo – Jupiter in the 9th House – Eight of Swords in Reverse

Comfortable at home and tending to their garden, you Virgos might feel a bit conflicted as Jupiter in your House of truth, travel, higher learning, and expansion pulls you out of your comfort zone, urging you to expand your horizons and welcome new diversities, way of living and pursuits. You have strong principles and are adventurous and optimistic. Monetary gain can come through if you welcome new education or other locations.

Your Tarot Card

Eight of Swords from the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot

The Eight of Swords in Reverse urges you to free yourself from any bondage or liberation that makes you feel like a slave to habit. It is a time to be open to new perspectives and ways of thinking that take you out of a structured mindset, chained and attached. Let go and unveil your soul of restriction and be without resistance.

>>Every day, the positions of the Stars and Planets shift. – Sign up to receive Daily Horoscope. 

Libra – Jupiter in the 8th House – Warrior of Wands

There are two sides to every Coin: Libras stepping into their House of magic, sex, death and transformation. You will have a healthy attitude towards life and death and could enjoy financial gain through marriage or inheritance. Your Philosophy of life can inspire others, and your abundant sex drive can urge you to manifest monetary gain through creative pursuits.

Your Tarot Card

Warrior of Wands from the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot

The Warrior of Wands flew out, urging you Libras to embrace the inspirations, ideas, and creative instincts igniting from your soul and charging forward towards your dreams with the wind in your hair, manifesting strength and vitality. Burst into the unknown and carve your path; your willpower will help you manifest what you need without too much focus on material resources.

Scorpio – Jupiter in the 7th House – Ten of Wands

The planet of Luck and Expansion is going Directly into your House of Marriage and Partnership Scorpio, indicating that you could be gaining some power and prestige through both. You may be approaching your second marriage at this time or ending your first one while likely being with someone who is either powerful or wealthy or both. Enemies become friends with this placement, and business partnerships are deemed fruitful.

Your Tarot Card

Ten of Wands from the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot

Oh, my loyal, devoted Scorpios, why are you carrying these heavy burdens? I know you are so proud of these wands; however, you cannot see what is up ahead carrying such a heavy load. You may need to realize that you are better served to avoid carrying them moving forward, as you are doing it unnecessarily and thus feeling overburdened. In this Ten of Wands, the woman carries them all as she identifies with their power. However, what you own does not define you, Scorpio; you can lighten this load and let integrity in. 

Sagittarius – Jupiter in the 6th House – The High Priestess

Success finds you as Jupiter goes directly into your House of Service and Health. You get along with your associates and are valued for loyalty and dependency. The monetary reward will indeed bless you now, and you may enjoy spending it on good food. Be careful, as you could tend to gain weight with this placement. However, the opportunity for travel and expansion is highlighted. 

Your Tarot Card

The High Priestess from the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot

The High Priestess blesses you, Sagittarius, as you are guided by your intuition and natural divine feminine receptive aura to lead the way. It is a time to welcome the dark and light, black and white, Yin and Yang dualities in your life to come into touch with your Crown Chakra of faith and inner wisdom. Others may seek you out now, as you hold secret knowledge within your subconscious. 

>>Did you know that a Tarot Reading can provide you greater insight to your Past, Present and Future? Get a Tarot Reading with a Psychic on Mystic Sense Here.

Capricorn – Jupiter in the 5th House – Queen of Wands

If you are all work and no play Capricorn, you may struggle with this placement as Jupiter goes directly into your House of pleasure and creativity. You will reach success and monetary gain by focusing on artistic pursuits and engaging in forms of recreation such as sporting events, parties and theatre. Your Children will bring happiness, and you may have a high sex drive.

Your Tarot Card

Queen of Wands from the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot

It is time to light your fire as the Queen of Wands enters your realm of adventure. You have transcended darkness into light and overcome a series of trials and tribulations. Now that your wisdom glows from the inside and out, you can pave the way by enjoying creative and passionate pursuits and being an example for others to follow. 

Aquarius – Jupiter in the 4rth House – Warrior of Swords in Reverse

You find comfort in your home right now, Aquarius, and may seek success working remotely, as part of your daily home routine, or gaining finances within your hometown. You crave emotional safety, and being surrounded by your spiritual family brings wealth and abundance to soothe your soul.

Your Tarot Card

Warrior of Swords from the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot

Ask for what you want, Aquarius, as the Warrior of Swords falls reverse in your House of early development. You might be afraid to ask for help and could be keeping it to yourself, as you were taught when you were younger that help came with a cost. You are being encouraged to let go of this fear and let the universe and other people know what you need to feel safe and secure in your body, home and environment. 

Pisces – Jupiter in the 3rd House – The Wayfarer

As Jupiter transits your House of Communications, Pisces, you keep busy and feel optimistic about various intellectual pursuits. Emotionally connected to each interest, you want to know more and expand your horizons. Travel may be fruitful now, and you are more open to new experiences, sharing ideas, and even having good relationships with relatives. 

Your Tarot Card

Ah, Self Love blesses you, dear Pisces, as The Wayfarer shows you two paths you can take in Love’s eyes. Whether you take the easier path or, the more complex one, the choice is yours; however, the easier one may lead you towards stagnation and a void, and the most difficult one may carry over a sense of respect, appreciation and overall fulfillment of a job well done. You don’t need another during this time, Pisces, as you find Love all around you through Freedom and Grace. 

Astrology has much to teach us about ourselves and the people in our lives.
An Astrologer at Mystic Sense can guide you on your best path according to the map of your stars at the time of your birth.

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