My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 4th, 2024- Night Reading – Let go and Let God.

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I am Coming close to the end of my day, so it is time to log in and check on my day and how it went. Join me as I log my Night Tarot readings. 

For the whole month of January, I will use the Soul Tarot Deck to be acquainted with the theme and story of the cards, and every month, I will change decks to switch energies. 

You can purchase this deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission. 

The Symbolic Soul Tarot

Reflection on Today’s Event

Five of Pentacles and Strength

Five of Pentacles and Strength from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Okay – my whole day was perfect. It flowed; I was happy, worked out, made money, ate healthily, and wrote. All the things I enjoy in one day are a blessing to me. 

I do wish I had made more money. However, I am grateful for what I have made and will continue to make – Hell, yes! ❤️‍🔥

You could say that this combination of the Five of Pentacles, feeling insecure and left out in the cold and poverty mindset, was overcome with the Energy of Strength afterwards, where I took my power back, changed the scenario in my mind and tamed my reactive harmful beast with grace. 

I invested in a social media marketing campaign and entrusted a fellow to bring my account some organic reach. I wanted it to work so I could reach people interested in what I have to offer, gain some clients, and fill my daily calendar with bookings. 

I was VERY excited about this, as this Specialist enticed me in Instagram Growth that it was a good move. However, when I came back from my workout, I noticed that the recent post I put on my business IG was spammed by probably fake accounts with completely irrelevant comments that looked fake and were not like real organic people at all. 😒

– This is why I have trust issues (Five of Pentacles). However, it was an experiment, and I took a chance without expecting it to work (Strength) genuinely.

Sigh…Brush it off and keep it moving…

What Lessons did I learn?

Two of Swords and Two of Wands

Two of Swords and Two of Wands from the Symbolic Soul Tarot Deck

It’s a harsh lesson. The Two of Swords indicates uncertainty, decisions, and not having all the facts. I gained as much information as possible because I have some seriously amazing interrogation skills. Did I ever interrogate the person behind the service? – I did call him out on today’s fiasco, and I await a reply and explanation with patience. 

The truth is, I do not know yet where this situation will lead because I really want to believe the best in people, and at times, I throw my blinds on and go into an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality, not seeing temptation or even the straight up LIE when it is in front of my face. 

The Two of Wands speaks about this wand of desire. It is choosing only one that is your best wand to grab towards your future and going towards the best one, the truest and most honest, without the fluff of uncertainty that might solely emit chaos. 

But when I think about it, the marketing price was not high, like most real Google Ads are, and this was a too-good-to-be-true situation that I ignored all red flags, hoping it would work. – I am still kind of hoping it will 😔

You see, even Psychics make mistakes when following their intuition. In fact, I feel like we are tested the most because we have to learn to work with the unseen daily and guide others to do the same. 

How did I properly use my Energy?

The Empress

The Empress from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

I nurtured my empire today, my seeds and all that I prosper with. 😁

The Empress nourishes all that is and glows with Life and wisdom. Everything is bursting with creation, and she is a ruler who must think ahead, ensuring she has a few seeds for her future. 

This Energy of the beautiful maiden is my Life: building my business and working on several psychic platforms, freelance writing, and maintaining a work-life balance. 

I took care of my Body, Mind and Soul today, and the Empress represents this level of self-care and self-reliance. I am thankful that the Empress helped me use my Energy correctly today. 

How did I shine today?

Ace of Swords and the King of Wands

Ace of Swords and King of Wands from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Dam fuc***g right I did. The minute I saw the truth in the Instagram Marketing Promotion I invested in, I spoke up. I told the guy that this was not what I asked for and that what I saw was bothering me. So I do consider speaking up and being transparent about my vision, a shine quality. 

Another way that I shined with these two archetypes is that I showed up today knowing who I am, how I live, and being true to myself. I am confident in all I do, love, and be. (Ace of Swords)

It’s all about Soul Food Fitness, being aligned with my spirituality, doing daily tarot readings, Astrology interpretations, Nutritional Guidance, eating clean, working out, being, and helping others do the same. (King of Wands) – I have an entrepreneur-like spirit, and I get to live my dream, even if it’s not fully realized yet; I know I am on the right path, and it’s my journey, and I’m definitely on my way. 

How did I poorly use my Energy?

The Moon

The Moon from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Wow, talk about irony. 

If you look at my Day Reading, which I hope you do for comparison, You will, in fact, notice that under the “How I can serve others best” headline, I also received The Moon. 

However, it does have the same meaning under this point, but not exactly. 

During the day, I am to help others work through their fears, anxieties and illusions so that they can better see their intuition and have more faith in the unknown path. 

However, I embodied this Energy for a time today, where I let the devil reel me in and feed fears, illusions, and uncertainties into my mind, heart and soul. 

It’s funny cause what we are afraid of is what we should face; that is where our work, our purpose is. – So, helping others work through this Energy aligns with me. 

When I was becoming initiated, one of the most important things I learned in Reiki was that you cannot heal another without healing yourself first. This belief could not be more accurate than it is in this particular scenario. 

I, too, had to work through my fears, anxieties and illusions, just as my clients did today. Although, for a period, I did lose my power to the anxiety and lost some energy before I got myself back. 

What should I release from today?

Two of Cups

Two of Cups from the Symbolic Soul Tarot Deck

Here is another repetitive card from the Day reading. 

The Two of Cups found itself under the “Card of the Day” in the Day Reading. This Energy is now under “what I should release from today,” which is quite funny. 🤣

My higher self is asking me to release the day. Release the Energy of the day, and all that has transpired, and let it go. Move on, as tomorrow is a new day, and new experiences will surely grab my interest. 

Part of my New Year’s resolution was to release all that is not mine and not to attach and hold onto energies tightly, which can drain my Energy. 

So if I must release a partnership, a connection, a relationship, and let go and Let God be it, I will. This story is all just a beautiful game that we call Life anyhow  💖

Good Night! 😴

>> Book a Tarot Reading if you desire daily insight to help you be more aware and mindful of your choices. 

One response to “My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 4th, 2024- Night Reading – Let go and Let God.”

  1. My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 5th, 2024 – Day Reading – The World is changing around Me due to my Intentions. – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] sure to also read the Night Reading Reflection, as it is part of the Story […]


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