Sex Without Love Is Meaningless: Understanding the Importance of Emotional Connection

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The Art of Masturbation

Masturbation is an Art to master; without Love, it lacks fulfillment and, at times, provides a feeling of instant gratification.

Without Love and Divine connection, it is hard to reach the full benefit that Sex provides for body, mind and spiritual health.

When engaging in Sex with a partner you are not in Love with, it is like using this person to fulfill your masturbation needs, becoming your wastebasket for all the negative egoistic stuff you are carrying and attached to. 

They become your toy for a sexual release, providing temporary satisfaction, leading to a void, an addiction to empty Sex, and other unconscious behaviours.

When one engages in masturbation and finds that divine Love or connection within, you can sometimes reach a state of kundalini, where your sexual energy rises through all the chakras, providing a heightened sense of awareness, healing, and powerful forms of manifestation.

The same goes for engaging in Sex with a partner who is your true soul mate or twin flame.

The Importance of Emotional Connection

Divine Love, there is nothing like it. Nothing else will be as satisfying once you taste what it feels like to connect to your faithful Love.

Engaging in lust or infatuated connections triggers solely the lower chakras, root, sacral and solar plexus, which identify our animal instincts and needs for survival.

However, once you connect to your Soul Mate or Twin Flame, you share a deep spiritual bond that goes deeper and beyond the primary senses, and you feel a love and awareness that brings you closer to your inner God. – The Definition is Ecstasy, and nothing else can compare.

Sex without Love is Meaningless

Experience Sex with your divine other half is bliss, kundalini rising and a spiritual vortex all in one. Not only do you feel each other’s Love heal one another, but your psychic senses and spiritual awareness also heal. You feel like you can take on the world together and fall into each other, becoming one.

Your Love becomes harmonious, your seven chakras become humming-activated, and you can essentially take on the world together, dissolving all ego, negativity and lower attractions on your path.

You feel fulfilled, supported, and at peace. You both value one another, feel like you can be your rawest, most absolute selves with each other, and your souls are on display, no hiding; the connection is “turned on” full time.

If you seek out Sex without this type of Love, it is meaningless. It is tedious, egoistic, and mental. You are hiding from something; you might not know it yet, but trust there is something you are avoiding.

It does not fully satisfy you and only feeds into programming that you think you should live because of social conditioning, never genuinely quenching that deep thirst or sense of life.

The Sex is tasteless, karmic, repetitive and boring without this deep emotional connection. Not only that, but you exchange primal energies that only feed on fears based on survival, lack and insecurities.

Eternity awaits this Deep emotional Spiritual Bond.

Many Tantric arts teach this practice in channelling your sexual energy through your chakras and learning to channel its energy to transform ego and karma into Love and healing.

There is a reason for this, as this kundalini sexual energy is only to be shared with a Divine Vessel equal to your spiritual awareness that can withstand the purity of this Love, experiencing long-lasting orgasmic bliss with each other lasting at times, days, even weeks!

And trust me, most of the work comes from within. When you finally reach that state of falling in Love with yourself, your soul will have no capability or will to give this type of Love to any soul that cannot reciprocate this divine bliss you hold within.

The Desire will be to wait for eternity for this Deep emotional Spiritual Bond that opens up every cell in your auric field. The lotus flower blooms on top of your crown chakra, where time stops, and there is nothing else but the purity in which the both of you have been blessed to share with your Divine, Ecstatic, Passionate, Pure and Stable Healing Love.

I hope we all Find it!

Photo by Andrés Gómez on Unsplash

One response to “Sex Without Love Is Meaningless: Understanding the Importance of Emotional Connection”

  1. Choose you, Choose Love – The Fear of an Addict. – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] >>Read more on Healthy vs. unhealthy Sex by enjoying this post: Sex without love is Meaningless. […]


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