My Daily Tarot Tracker – February 6th, 2024 – Day Reading – Closing an Old Chapter as My New Adventure Unravels

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Welcome to my Story as I embark on a Year’s Journey logging my Daily Tarot.

Today is the Twenty-Second day, February 6th, 2024. I am logging my Day and Night Tarot Readings in my Daily tracker. – I encourage you to try for yourself. 

I may skip some days, Nights or both, especially if I need just a day off or I am catching up on other work. However, I plan to be as consistent and as Daily as possible. 

Please Like, Comment, and Share with anyone you feel would be interested in helping me stay accountable and support my New Muse. 

There will be affiliate links to various psychics and my websites.

I am working to make Blogging one of my Income Generators; your support can help make that happen! 

Make sure also to read the previous February Reading, as it is part of the Story 😊

For the whole month of February, I will use the Book of Shadows Tarot to become acquainted with the cards’ theme and Story; every month, I will change decks to switch energies. 

The Book of Shadows Tarot has Two Decks: As Above and So Below. As a result, I will pull One Card from each Deck for each question to understand the Magic created in the heavens with Divine Intention, As Above. It is then used on Earth to manifest and fulfill the Magic Daily. – So below.

You can purchase this Deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission. 

The Book of Shadows Tarot

The Card of the Day

Ostara, Initiation – Two of Swords, King of Pentacles

Ostara, Initiation, Two of Swords, King of Pentacles from the Book of Shadows

**As I’m Shuffling** – “Taxes get that bookkeeping in order, Rozalia….”, Whispers from my subconscious… – “Yes, Yes, I know, today, haha.” 🙄

As Above – Ostara and Initiation

I love this Deck. 😭💖

Ostara is the Goddess of Spring Equinox. She brings new life into the lands after returning from the underworld. She faced darkness head-on and got to know it, creating a relationship with the shadow and thus having the right to bring the lessons of death into new life and rebirth. 

Ostara talks about the celebration of spring in the Pagan tradition. Fertility and new life surround the air with potential. 

Death and winter are conquered, and now it’s time for the Maiden Spring to balance and integrate Night and Day as she pours her sacred waters onto the world, giving it light and colour. 

This aligns with me, as though it is the middle of February; when I look outside my window, I see sunlight and warmth, and the snow is melting. Call it Global warming, but Ostara has come early this year; she flows easily within the world with balance and grace, being at ease in my life at the right place at the right time. 

Everything really is brightened. 

Coupled with the Witch hearing the Spiritual calling of the Divine, she embraces the initiation, guiding her on living with a higher purpose. As she leaves her old way of living, she walks her own path and commits herself to honoring the calling of the heavens. A passionate intensity to commit to the Deities above her, who see the ritual she cast below to hear the God and Goddess voice within her.

So Below – Two of Swords and King of Pentacles

“As I sit between worlds, embracing the cooling air of winter gone, I see my truth and vision reveal themselves and listen into the winds, hearing through the grapevine as word of mouth reveals what I am creating”

I am tapping into the flow of the Universe as my heart and head learn to align with the Two of Swords. Peace is created as I sit in the middle ground, allowing The King of Pentacles to spread the word of who I am, what I am doing, and why these delights and wonders of the physical are meant to be shared generously with others.

What Can I Learn Today?

Mother of Air, Ten of Fire and Five of Chalices

Mother of Air, Ten of Fire, and Five of Chalices from the Book of Shadows Tarot
As Above – Mother of Air and Ten of Fire

“”I remember who I am.”, dancing with the clouds at my feet. I see clearly the information I gained through life experiences, never missing a beat. As I am welcomed by the Reiki Fire burning through my Soul into my physical body, I see it was destined in the stars; astrologically, at this moment, I see further ahead than ever before; I leap.””

The Light and refreshing breeze of the Mother of Air reminds us that we can utter words that destroy or lift someone up. She writes books and creates language that bridges words and ideas as she soothes our minds and sees the power of how thoughts of air can impact the world ahead. 

The Ten of Fire speaks about the planets and stars that play an elemental role of fate in our lives. As an Astrologer who is constantly studying and mastering the craft of the celestial bodies in space, I learned that it is simply a road map, a guide that helps assist us in either amplifying our strengths or improving our weaknesses. A guide is given by the heavens to teach us to choose how we respond and demands us to engage our free will. 

This energy shows that something in my life or around me cannot be changed until a role that we fulfill or an action we take is created to define our nature and shape our character. 

So Below – Five of Chalices

I did not really like seeing this Card, but I can understand why it is present. 

I guess I am forced to face my disappointments and the trauma I experienced to my heart, my body, and, in general, my spirit. 

At times, things do not work out as expected, but it happens from time to time. 

My knee is still healing from my soccer injury two years ago, and little setbacks to healing it put me in a state of grieving and mourning. 

However, though I crumple these plans in my hand and weep, I heal in the meantime, knowing that the stars in the heavens show me that the dreams are still possible if I change my route and continue to move forward, replacing the poisoned heart with a whole one. 

>> Did you know Astrology can provide us a road map towards our destiny? Connect me for a reading today on Purple Garden! Username: Rozzebud

I may want to do this.

Eight of Water, Nine of Water and Ten of Pentacles, Knight of Chalices

Eight of Water, Nine of Cups, 10 of Pentacles and Knight of Chalices
As Above – Eight of Water and Nine of water

3:33pm on the clock, support all around me. We are a team working together to circulate the abundance of giving and receiving. 

As I was tuning into this energy, the Eight of Water showed me the Magic and transformations of the past unfulfillment that I was looking to transcend and change, looking at its potential. If I work or compromise with the past, I can see that happiness or fulfillment within a connection I once held dear to me. 

However, once I felt the heaviness wash over me, thinking about and feeling how this compromise would only burden and weigh me down, I realized that I already supported myself, took care of myself, and putting this Magic in the wrong direction, a stagnant one, would have long term ramifications that I should be aware of. 

The Eight of Water shows me that I have the power to create the transformation that I seek. Still, I must be clear about what I bring to the table generously, materially and spiritually, as the Goddess of Prosperity, Lakshmi in the Nine of Water, shows me.

Lakshmi promises increased material and spiritual prosperity and has others to share it with. She has so much abundance because as she increases her generosity, she has others who continue to pour into her, allowing her to flow and continue the cycle of exchange. She cannot continue her work that gives without restriction if others do not provide to increase her blessings. A symbol of love and honour, a proper flow of divine energy. 

So Below – Ten of Pentacles and Knight of Chalices

Both cards fell on their side, indicating that I might want to include everyone in the mix, enjoy an abundant life with whom I have experienced it, and delve into my imagination, dreaming of my heart’s desire.

They both fell almost reverse, indicating that what I may want to do is not exactly in my best interest, as Above shows me the transformation from the Eight of Water to the Nine in the heavens. 

I am hearing to use discernment as I teach others how to relate nature to their everyday lives. My example is still beneficial and creates wealth for all. I want to prosper in the process and remember that I am one person, so I should focus on my changes as they spread into my environment. 

What should I focus on?

Crone of Air, Ace of Water and Five of Pentacles

Crone of Air, Ace of Water in Reverse and Five of Pentacles the Book of Shadows of Tarot
As Above – Crone of Air, Ace of Water in Reverse

“There are some things I am not meant to know at this time; guided to let it go before I discount a relationship before I give it room to blossom.”

  • Going Outside. 
So Below – Five of Pentacles
  • And she’s outside.

I went to the store to get some groceries and water. Now, don’t get me started on why I’m buying water. Let’s just say that the old building and old pipes that I live in do not make the water drinkable even when filtered; trust me, I have tried, with aggravating stomach aches afterwards. 

As I smell the fresh, clear crystal air, I realize that I have outgrown this place, and I’ve been trying hard for a long time to make changes in my finances and life so that I can not feel so limited and restricted in my daily routine. 

This complements the Five of Pentacles well, as its meaning defines a feeling of being lost and in need of resources and guidance.

Ah, what a moment to focus on and realize that no one is coming to save me. That I am my own hero in my Story.

>> A Psychic at Mystic Sense can help you see the truth in your situation, Connect and get your first Five minutes Free

How can I serve others best?

Two of Earth, The Summerland’s, Mabon and Knave of Chalices

Two of Earth, The Summerlands, Madon, and Knight of Chalices from the Book of Shadows Tarot
As Above – Two of Earth, The Summerland’s and Mabon

Why spirits feel that I should have three energies manifested first in my Heaven is beyond me, but I see the play out as I look at the Mabon and watch me pull myself out of the dark abyss of Hell and welcome me into my bright, humble Heaven.

It’s a stretch, but as the night begins to show itself and the Sun begins to set, I reach up to the heavens and grab the light of reincarnation, where I meet my Soul before it births new life, a new world, new Earth. 

The Summerlands is a place of rest between lives. The Soul is refreshed, and all the attachments to the ego are released and left behind in the physical world. I sit in the Summerlands as my Soul contemplates the lessons it wishes to learn in the next life. We no longer bring memories of the past into this new incarnation, and in this case, the Two of the Earth, these new seeds ahead of me.

Oh My God, The Beach! The Two of Earth shows me the beach ahead, where Earth meets the ocean. Watching the shifting sands and the invisible gnomes show me a portal from one world to another. A place of space, a balance between Water and Earth, being asked to balance and nurture my physical experience. 

So Below – Knave of Chalices

“Look in the mirror” is the first thing that comes to mind.

Blown away by the imagery in this Card, as it asks me to explore my intuition and my dreams. 

Last night, I dreamt that I was taking a selfie, and I did not recognize the person looking back at me. I was confused; it was different from what I looked like, nor did I like what I saw. 

Now, in a more profound sense, as I tune into the energies of Above and admit the fact that my life and environment need to change, this energy deepens this truth inside me that I need to be honest with the reflection of my life. I can’t give up; I need to keep making the changes and see my vision through.

I suppose this is the best to serve others, to show that we can change our lives; we do not have to stay where we are placed. We can move; we are not trees. 

5:55pm on the clock as I write this. (Signifying Change)

I may want to avoid this.

Wheel of the Year and Four of Swords, King of Swords

Wheel of the Year, Four of Swords , King of Swords from the Book of Shadows Tarot

“Don’t act or make moves based on the highs and lows; be consistent.” – This is the message I received after reading with a client going through a similar situation energetically a moment ago.

I find it amazing how my daily tracker is now becoming part of my daily process, and it’s like I am manifesting as I go. It’s pretty powerful stuff if you ask me 😏

As Above – Wheel of the year

The Wheel speaks about change in the air, taking the next logical step and changing fortunes repeating cycles. 

I am being told to avoid this, especially when reading the So Below, Four of Swords and King of Swords. 

These Endless cycles show me that there is some truth that I am resistant to accept, over and over again. 

It takes a decision to live for yourself, and as you make a change, that is when the world around you follows. 

So Below – Four of Swords and King of Swords

The woman in the Four of Swords rests and relaxes her mind to connect with the Divine and enjoy a moment of calm, preparing for inspiration. 

Couple with the King of Swords, showing the women making a logical decision based on the increase of numbers and tides like an economist reads stocks. 

I am to avoid this cycle of rest and logical choice, and my Spidey senses tell me to trust my instincts, to make changes, and to take action so my new adventure can unravel and my old chapter can close.

I am claiming this change. 

>> I can offer you insight in your life and help you be the change, you want to see. Connect with me here!

I pulled this energy at the start of my Day

You can purchase this Deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission.

Angel Number Oracle Card

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