My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 21st, 2024 – Day Reading – I receive New Blessings and Love.

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Welcome to my Story as I embark on a Year’s Journey logging my Daily Tarot.

Today is the Eleventh Day, January 21st, 2024. I am logging my Day Tarot Reading in my Daily tracker. – I encourage you to try for yourself. 

I may skip some days, Nights or both, especially if I need just a day off or I am catching up on other work. However, I plan to be as consistent and as Daily as possible. 

Please Like, Comment, and Share with anyone you feel would be interested in helping me stay accountable and support my New Muse. 

There will be affiliate links to various psychics and my websites.

 I am working to make Blogging one of my Income Generators; your support can help make that happen! 

Make sure to also read the previous Day and Night Reading, as it is part of the Story 😊

For the whole month of January, I will use the Soul Tarot Deck to become acquainted with the cards’ theme and Story; every month, I will change decks to switch energies. 

You can purchase this Deck on Amazon and bless me with a small commission. 

The Symbolic Soul Tarot

The Card of the Day


Justice from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Ya, I knew that was coming. The embodiment of Libra, Karmic Justice, truth, honesty, and integrity. Ruled by the Heart chakra, “I get what I give.” 

Justice focuses on adjustment and alignment to create equality and balance. Whether in her own life or between two parties or situations, a level of discrimination in the mind becomes necessary to take control of karma and allow divine retribution to provide the essential life lessons accumulated by spiritual and material soul contracts. 

Yesterday, I did my Reiki Master’s Initiation, which surely shifted my physical body into a higher energetic frequency of light. Now, I was integrating most of this energy at night, facing fears that my spirit was shedding from my energetic and physical body, and, most importantly, healing my consciousness.

Now, one of my intentions for my Reiki Masters course and the process is to get a hold of the telepathic information from the collective and my clients, in which I do my best to serve and help without allowing negative energies to inflict my space. Sometimes, I have to face illusions and distortions to discern the truth and cancel them out. It brings doubt at times, where I need to lean on the side of Mercy like Justice encourages. 

As a result, I better balance my Mind with My heart and intuition, find peace and resolution, observe my thoughts, and become a Divine channel of only Positive intention.

>>Are you in a Karmic connection? Find out the lessons in your special soul contract so you can bring Justice to light.

What Can I Learn Today?

The Empress

The Empress from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

haha🤣 – Ya, I have become a Pro in embodying this feminine, self-care, creative force for my heart and soul, or at least I am being purged to reach this powerful divine feminine frequency. 

She is the Medium, the portal between Heaven and Earth. She births creations manifested in the Etherial space of Love, with the intention for them to materialize in the Physical realm. A divine channel, such as the Empress, is ruled by Venus and the Zodiac Libra. 

She is Grounded to Mother Nature, so she can download the necessary inspirations gifted to her by the Divine. 

One of the things that my Reiki Master mentioned was that my Third Eye was WIDE OPEN. 🤣 Now, you may perceive this as something amazing to work with, and I do as well. However, I am indeed a Thin athletic woman, and I am an air sign. So it is easier for me to be lifted up into the clouds, out of my body and thrown around by the forces of the Wind. Hence why, at times, as I experienced last night, as I was integrating the initiative energies, I could hear different stories, telepathic noise, and energy not directed towards me but given for observation, and at times, flown up too high into the realm of the unseen.

So the Lesson, I presume, might be today to focus on grounding my energy, as the Empress displays through self-care, strength training, yoga, and many delicious healthy meals. 

I may want to do this.

Seven of Wands in Reverse

Seven of Wands from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Do not resist the integration or the changes and shifts in energy. 

The Seven of Wands are fighters; they put up boundaries and push outside forces, beliefs and people intent away from them. This can sometimes be a fight and force of will to protect one’s power. 

However, this is in reverse position, and because I am learning to protect myself energetically, to only attract energies of the highest frequencies, I can rest in the awareness that all this pressure in my crown chakra is the integration of newfound energies. There really is nothing to worry about.

My intention, or what I may want to do today, is to not fight it. However, let’s see what the focus should be today.

>>Are you trying to protect yourself from Negative Energies? A Psychic on Mystic Sense can teach you how to cleanse your aura and energetic field welcoming solely positive energies into your environment.

What should I focus on?

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Straight up, direct and Blunt, Queen of Swords. Another Archetypal energy ruled by the Zodiac Libra. Today, I embody my authentic self with all these energies ruled by my Airy Sun Sign. 😅

The Queen of Swords is clear about her intentions; she knows who she is, what she wants, and how she sees things. Her mind has no doubts, as she understands what she wants to create and how she wishes to portray herself. However, this should not be mistaken by attaching to how others see her, as this woman can come off as cold, detached, and heartless. She does not care what others think; all that matters is her true intention, which stems from the heart space, even if it’s hidden from those around her.

A true force to be reckoned with, she knows her worth and value, guided by the clear night sky and celestial bodies above her; she asks for honesty and truth, as she has no time to play games, deceive or dispute.

I will gladly focus on this goddess who rapidly attracts her desires with integrity.😁

How can I serve others best?

Six of Swords

Six of Swords from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Helping myself and, thus, others find peace as they transition through the conflicting and anxious realms of thoughts and illusions. 

Initially, the Six of Swords landed reverse, and I could not understand how holding on to conflict would benefit anyone. However, I looked deeper, and I saw the anxiety and the inability to rest and find peace through meditation. At times, being in that state can be scary, especially when there are loads of fears to face in one’s subconscious that keep surfacing and creating chaos in the mind. 

However, when I let go, I saw the beautiful romance between the connections I am establishing through my heart space, and the Six of Swords flipped naturally upright. It was as if all I needed to do was step into my heart’s space to create a smooth, clear, peaceful transition toward a new life way of living.

So, I suppose I am serving others today by experiencing this shift from Anxiety to Love to Peace and thus assisting them in doing the same.

>>Did you know that as a Psychic, I can bring clarity and peace into the chatter and anxieties of the mind? Connect with me on Purple Ocean today, and let’s make this smooth transition together. My Username: Rozzebud

I may want to avoid this.

Two of Wands

Two of Wands from the Symbolic Soul Tarot

Planning too far out into the future…

I am planning a Spa date with my soul sister as I write this, and laughing cause my intuition was telling me that I probably should not make promises. As it feels like things are about to change dramatically for me in a way that I don’t expect. 

However, even though this excites me, the future is always flexible. I should avoid looking too far ahead and focus on being present and grounded like the Empress suggested today. 💖

To tie everything together, I pulled a card from the Fairies. 

The message speaks for itself. 😉

Emotional Healing from the messages of the Fairies

You can Purchase this Deck on Amazon and Bless me with a Small Commission.

Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards

An Affirmation to attract Clients and People on my Highest Path:

“As my inner Grace fills the Web of Light Grid, I invite people in that would benefit from my help and Benefit me. I am Sacred reciprocity.”

Thank you so much for tuning in to todays Day Reading! Please Like, Share, Subscribe and Comment! Your Support is appreciated!

To Book a Healing Session with me Head to my book page below 😊

3 responses to “My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 21st, 2024 – Day Reading – I receive New Blessings and Love.”

  1. vermavkv Avatar



    1. Rozzebud Avatar

      thank you ❤


  2. My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 21st, 2024- Night Reading –Communicating my Intentions for Love – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] sure to tune into yesterday’s Day-reading to get the whole story […]


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