Your September Astrology 2023 – Hope and Faith is Restored as you are Guided towards Love.

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Trusting the unknown and restoring our faith in Love will be the highlight of September. As most planets are still retrograding the first half of the month, we will feel undecided about what is true and what is a fog of confusion. However, Love will guide us through the Darkness, and we will begin to recognize the signs from above, knowing that we are divinely protected and surrounded by connections and communities that love us for who we are.

Mercury Trines Jupiter on September 3rd, and you will have clarity in your more extended plans and start to see positive results in your creative and work projects. Decisions will be fruitful, and you can maneuver through any frustrating financial aspects within your relationships by sticking to the facts. As Venus goes direct on the 5th, you will see improvement in your love life and relationships. You will begin working hard on your wealth and prosperity as Jupiter retrogrades from September 6th until January 1st, 2024. Who should be in your circle will become apparent as the Sun conjuncts Mercury on September 6th, providing great inspiration and breakthroughs you should write down and contemplate.

On the 7th, the Sun shrines Jupiter, shining light on your talents and what you are known to be successful for. As a result, it will be a great time to manifest your dreams by teaching, displaying, learning from others, and having fun in the energetic flow that bestows your abundant nature.

A new diet or workout routine may begin on September 15th as we welcome the New moon in Virgo, encouraging us to focus on our daily routine, health, and work. As the Sun Trines Uranus, we will feel spontaneous. Destiny may be at play here as we bump into a new friend, a person who is meant to help you manifest your talents and projects quicker, as well as help you take risks.

From September 15 -18th, Venus Squares Jupiter, creating tension between Love and Wealth, as you may feel nothing can please you or satisfy your cravings. Be careful during this time to temper your needs.

As Mercury goes direct on the 17th, you will be ready to sign those contracts, send those messages, and start new projects towards the end of the month.

Lastly, the Sun enters Libra on the 23rd, creating balance in our lives and restoring faith in a higher order as things recalibrate in your favour. The Full moon in Aries will finish things off on September 29th as we focus on self-care and bringing order into our self-made empire.

Each sign is different and has unique strengths and weaknesses that push them to maneuver through this period. Thus, pay attention to your Astrology chart and note which area each sign is in to help better guide you through September!


At the start of the month, Aries, Mars transiting in your House of fun and pleasure will propel you to leap faith into an emotional connection that creates a passionate future between you. You will feel at ease and dreamy throughout September as Venus transits into your House of joy and happiness, encouraging you to have fun, rest your mind and enjoy the moment. The Full Moon in your 1st House Aries at the end of the month may propel you to put on your Emperor hat and take care of trivial matters to create change or maintain peace. However, it will be a time of putting your needs first and ensuring that your empire is in a good state, grounded and under control.


You might feel alone for a few days as Venus and Jupiter go stationary from the 3rd to the 4th in your home life as you contemplate your worth and values. However, this energy will quickly shift as Venus goes direct, and you suddenly feel loved, connected, abundant and wealthy in your family life. Potentially, hyper instinctive, focused on a court case or some injustice, and motivated to bring it to a close and balance as Mars transits Libra in your 6th House of daily routine and the act of service. Your voice will become strong mid-September as Mercury goes direct in Virgo in your House of fun and play, suddenly organizing all of your kids’ events and knowing how to structure their day, helping them thrive in happiness.


As Mercury Trines Jupiter in your 4th House of Home and Family, you will be laying down some long-term goals and creating positive investments and projects to help you grow your wealth. Your focus will be organizing your finances in your family and creating an organized structure of when something is spent. As you lay down the law in your home life as Jupiter goes retrograde in your 12th House of letting go, your ideas about money and how you see your position as a stable provider will change, speaking up and encouraging others to pitch in and bring contribution to your home stability. Your leadership skills will modify as Venus directs in Leo in your Third House of communication and siblings, setting boundaries and speaking up about the time, energy and resources you share and what you deem fair.


Be patient as you let go of your control or attachment to your resources, Cancer, and let Love in as Venus transits your second House of value and worth. You are walking away from what no longer serves you and establishing clear boundaries in what you will tolerate with others as Mercury transits your 3rd House of communication and siblings. Speaking up beyond the clouds of confusion and manifesting an emotional connection and safety as Mars transits your House of deep feelings. You will be contemplating the type of friends and communities you wish to belong to as Jupiter Retrogrades in your 11th House of Future friends, and this will propel you to surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.


Sudden clarity to move on from what has been confusing and causing conflict in your mind and life as Mercury goes directly into your House of values and worth. You will no longer hold on to this past life story; however, as you gather strength to release what you will no longer participate in, you will take what you have learned with you and utilize it in your Career avenues as Jupiter goes retrograde in your 10th House of public persona. As Venus transits your 1st House of self, Leo, your self-care and personal fulfillment will be your ultimate priority, and you will be careful not to let anyone take advantage of your good-hearted, happy nature. As you start something new and close to your heart mid-month, the new moon will inspire a ritual and habitual change, magnifying your House of resources and utilizing them to their utmost potential.


This month, the organization of money, resources, and how you do things in your home will be highlighted as Mars Transits your 2nd House of values and worth. Jupiter will retrograde in your 9th House, pushing you to reflect on your wealth and connections to foreign lands and whether it is time to manifest your abundance through higher learning or travel. Nonetheless, if you travel during this period, you will find it reinvigorating and relaxing to your spirit. Mercury will be going directly into your House of self. So everyone will look to you to provide guidance, knowledge and higher order on what is right and fair. As you share your clear understanding of things, it will be easier to detach from your emotions and walk away from what no longer fulfills you at the end of the month as the full moon transits your House of endings and transformation.


You will be motivated most of the month to bring balance into your life as Mars transits your 1st House of personality and self. Higher order of things, and focusing on fairness, Justice, and trivial matters shine bright and continue to stand up for what you believe in. As Venus goes direct in Leo on September 5th in your 11th House of Future Friends, Groups and Communities, you will be the show’s star as others will admire you for your success and strength and enjoy your pleasant, joyful company. Jupiter is retrograding September 6th for the next four months in Taurus in your 8th House of shared resources, magic and secrets, a great time for expanding your awareness and spiritual practice and magnifying your vision on manifesting wealth, prosperity and abundance in your financial dealings and intimate partnerships. Successful negotiations as Mercury goes direct in Virgo on September 17th, pushing you to let go of old ideas, fears and traumas from past lives in your 12th House, freeing and lighting up your soul.


Love and commitment will be on your mind, Scorpio, as Venus goes direct at the beginning of the month in your House of public persona. You may offer someone a job or receive an offer that resonates with your core values and heart desires. It is an opportunity for healing as the universe delivers you hope, and you feel confident to share your wealth and resources. As Jupiter retrogrades in your 7th House of partnerships, marriage, business contracts, or other meaningful alliances will be highlighted, contemplating how you can magnify and enhance the abundance and prosperity in your life. As Mars pushes you to let go of old beliefs and attachments in your 12th House of self-undoing, you will feel motivated to bring things back into balance and Justice in your world.


Career takes the forefront mid-month, Sagittarius, as Mercury goes direct in your 10th House public persona. You are communicating well with your coworkers and getting along with starting new projects that are valued and clear to all parties. Friends will enjoy your enthusiastic energy as the Sun transits your 11th House at the end of the month, and you will feel well-balanced, nourished and happy. Venus will motivate you to connect with loved ones far away in other countries and may inspire you to reach out or even travel abroad as the planets transit your 9th House of world cultures. At the end of the month, you will end a creative project and get ready to embark on a new fun and playful adventure as the Full Moon transits your 5th House of Arts.


A great abundant time for you, Capricorn, as the flow of your hard work becomes easy and light. You will see the rewards of your commitments come to the limelight, and things will feel easier regarding your career. Mercury goes direct in your 9th House, so you may take on a new course, learn something new, or travel to a foreign place for work! This will open doors for you and light up a new path as the Sun enters Libra in your 10th house of career and public persona, guiding you towards a new beginning, experiencing vast lands and cultures.


As Uranus continues its retrograde for the next five months in your home and family sector, you will be open to new ideas about attitudes from the past about relationships. Rebelling and stirring up the situation by using your feelings diplomatically will help you find a way to use your intuition and get a fair deal! You may travel or visit foreign countries and explore new cultures, learning and gaining knowledge from an unknown language and different forms of spiritual practices as Mars transits your 9th House of higher learning, travel and expansion. As Venus directs in Leo in your home of relationships right before Mercury follows in your 8th House of intimacy, stability will follow as your connections improve and smooth out.


As the New Moon enters Virgo in your House of Partnerships on September 15th, Pisces, you will be inclined to nurture, serve, and adhere to your relationships through your empathetic, psychic, and intuitive senses. Health and Wellness will be highlighted, and you may form new partnerships that enhance your ability to increase vitality by sharing your new self-care regime. As Venus directs in Leo in your 6th House of daily routine, others will notice how you care for yourself and show your Love by caring for your body, mind, and spirit. You will thrive during this time doing exercise videos, nutrition presentations, spiritual vlogs, and blog posts.

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Your News Astrologer,


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