Ten inspiring movies that Touch My Inner Flame

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Daily writing prompt
What are your top ten favorite movies?
  1. What Dreams May Come

Vincent directed this beautiful Movie straight out of a fantasy book. A man loses his kids in a car crash, and his wife commits suicide. Due to the suicide, she is taken to a perception of Hell, where she can no longer reach Heaven. Robin Williams, who plays the husband and main character, deals with an angel being taken down to Hell and saves his wife from the endless agony of pain, guilt, and shame. She is lost, and he must bring her back up to a place of Love and Healing so that she can reach Heaven. The storyline is beautiful; you will cry and be amazed by the theatrics and colours depicted straight from a colour book. 

2. Matrix

A classic movie where Keanu Reeves makes his main debut in his career. A man follows a rabbit tattooed on a Womens Arm, taking him out of the mundane Matrix; he later finds out the Agents control him and are made by machines, and he must fight the Agents to help others be free from the Matrix. This Movie later becomes a sequel to Four.  

3. Pulp Fiction

Oldie but Goodie, this Movie never gets old with John Travolta. This Movie has several storylines and is simply a good watch. It made the top 10 because I watched this Movie when I was 12 years old, and the scene where Una Thurman sniffs the white powder drug and ends up overdosing is the reason why I have never touched nor even considered cocaine to touch my nostrils or any part of my body. Aside from that, this Movie is easy to watch, and I’ve watched it about ten times. 

4. The Perfect Storm

I fell in love with Mark Wahlberg watching this Movie. Emotionally conflicted as I finished watching this Movie. Not to spoil the ending, though, a comforting fairy tale ending was what I was hoping for, based on a True story, raw and alive, capturing every meaningful sentiment from the start. You are pulled into the real live accounts of each character without missing a beat, focused on actual live events showcasing the risks and no-question actions to help a man in need. Raw and beautiful, displaying the will, struggles, and heartwarming parts of humanity. Who knew that catching fish in the deep ends of the ocean would be such a cinematic display of passion, laughter, excitement, determination, anger and, most important, love?

“I Love you now, and I’ll love you forever. No Goodbye. There’s Only Love” – Mark Wahlberg – Bobby

Picture of Mark Wahlberg and George Clooney in the Perfect Storm on a Ship

5. John Q

A movie about a Father who locks the hospital doors from the inside out, trapping patients, nurses and doctors inside and not letting anyone come in or out. The main character, Denzel Washington, plays the son’s father, who is struck by a deadly heart condition and needs a donor. He stands up for the US economy and those who cannot afford health care. His son is put on a Donor list, while he only has so much time to live. I first watched this classic Movie in my High School English Class; we talked a lot about human rights and the Justice System. I remember this Movie clearly because I was on the side of John Q. 

6. How to lose a guy in 10 Days

As a hopeless romantic and writer, I love this Movie with Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey. The lead actress, Kate Hudson, is given a story to write about how to lose a guy in 10 days for her publication. She chooses Matthew McConaughey to date and enjoy for ten days before dumping him later. However, she ends up falling in love instead. 

7. The Devil All the Time

I recently watched this suspenseful and psychological Movie based on a book. As a Psychic and Spiritual warrior, I resonated deeply with this Movie and its ability to show how the Devil is in the detail, habits, behavioural perception and survival ties of our family ancestral tree, community, generation after generation. I enjoyed Tom Holland as the main character, who kills all the connections bound to his entrapment and frees himself, later leaving the community he was born into. 

8. Transcendence 

A pretty sweet movie with Johnny Depp made ten years ago shows how Artificial Intelligence has the power to take over Living Cells through nanotechnology. Showing the good and bad of where our future is headed and where we are now was a good representation of what humanity will face regarding ethics, human rights, Law and order, and more. 

9. Notebook

I’ve seen this movie about ten times with Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling. Again, I am a hopeless romantic, a film about a man and a woman born into two families: wealthy and poor. They meet and fall in love and are separated throughout their lives, later coming together, as fate and destiny show that true love is never lost. 

10. Child 44

Child 44 is one of the recent movies I watched with Tom Hardy, where a Russian officer teams up with his wife to catch a serial killer targeting children. It is a story told in the 1950s post World War 2. 

Endless Movie Lover

That’s ten that come to mind, but there are over 100 movies I love, which would make the list without fail.

One response to “Ten inspiring movies that Touch My Inner Flame”

  1. My Daily Tarot Tracker – January 26th – 28th, 2024- Weekend Reading – I choose Love, I choose Me. – Rich7Witch Avatar

    […] Masculine who feels this knowing deep in his heart and soul. As tears fall down his cheek, the Perfect Storm of his feelings creates an uphill wave that makes it difficult for any ship to flow and enjoy the […]


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